Archive for November 1st, 2004

November 1, 2004

Another picture taken at Damai Beach. The beauty of nature…I love sunsets and sunrises *sigh* So romantic. Okay, I’m being all mushy and stuff By the way, if you can see footprints on the sand that’s mine. It’s from backing up to get a nice angle of the sunset. hehe


November 1, 2004

Sunset at Damai Beach taken in 2000. I just love taking pictures of great sceneries when I have a camera that’s loaded with film and all. I wish I had a digital camera though. Would make things a lot easier.


Bored…for now

November 1, 2004

What a HOT day. I woke up early today, about 9.30am and I get to do my laundry! I made my breakfast and ate it, now I’m feeling hungry. I watched tv, nothing good on so I basically just flicked channels for about 30 minutes. I’m feeling kinda bored…

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