Getting excited

October 3, 2006

I found out last night on certain things we will doing during the Bangkok trip. According to the itinerary in the tour package we (as in my mom, my aunt, my 2 cousins and myself) picked, we will be staying in the tallest hotel in Bangkok called Baiyoke Sky Hotel. How cool is that??? It looks absolutely stunning from the website and yes I know they edit their pictures to make it look good. BUT the tallest hotel in Bangkok has got to have good standards or it won’t be located in the heart of downtown Bangkok.

And also, there will be a trip to Pattaya and a mini cruise involved. WOOT!!! I’m so excited!!! I can imagine the amount of pictures I will be taking. *giggle* 😀

I’m pretty sure there are other activities involved. I heard about the details from my aunt. I hope to see a copy of that itinerary soon. 😀

Anyway, excitement aside, I will be meeting with my professor tomorrow. I think he’s gonna give me feedback and comments on my proposal. :S I hope all goes well with it or I will be busting my ass for the next 3 weeks or so before I escape for my vacation.

Tonight I’ll be tutoring. I’m glad the tutoring will end this month. The 17th will be my last class with them, I think. I wanna watch Grey’s Anatomy! It’s on Tuesdays 8.30 – 9.30pm. I finish tutoring at 9.30 so I never had a chance to watch it.

Okay, I better go do some school work. Ciao~~

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