Archive for April 4th, 2007

Pigging out: Part 4

April 4, 2007

Disclaimer: Do not continue reading if you are hungry. The owner of this blog will not bear any responsibility for the weight gain of readers after reading this post.

So it’s the middle of winter and one night Rob decides I must try the famous $5 milkshake at Oberweiss. That’s almost a RM20 milkshake. How crazy is that??

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Vanilla and chocolate milkshake

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My hands were freezing as I hold up the two shakes in WINTER.

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I can’t believe it, I’m enjoying a milkshake in the car in WINTER

The pizza Rob made for me, with love. (Yes I am so corny.)

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I saw a Baskin Robbins ice cream parlour at Woodfield Mall. It’s a freakingly huge mall, bigger than Mid Valley Mega Mall.

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My favorite flavor of all time – The Strawberry Cheesecake!

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See how happy I am? 😀

This next picture is the dessert I had at Ann Sathers restaurant prior to watching the Blueman Group perform in Briar Street Theather. This is the restaurant’s signature dessert – brownies topped with (my choice of) French vanilla ice cream and chocolate fudge.

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While shopping at (one of the many) Target store, I got hungry from smelling the aroma of hotdogs at the main entrance.

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Ketchup, mustard and pickles.

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There’s a restaurant called 50 North near Rob’s church that sells chicken wings for 30 cents each. Rob ordered 8 spicy wings and 12 sweet BBQ wings. It was GOOD! The chicken wings came with bleu cheese and sour cream dip and celery sticks. I liked the taste of dipping celery in bleu cheese, unfortunately not long after that I had some kinda allergic reaction to it. My skin started to itch, from my arms down to my back. Luckily it didn’t last that long.

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Very contented look. Ahhhhhhh….

The whole food saga in the past week or so may lead you to think that I ate like a pig during my stay in Chicago. Even I think so. The truth is I was there for 14 days and everyday I tried different kinds of food. I made it a point to try as much variety as possible, which meant ordering different dishes even though I found Rob’s choice to be good. In the end, I’d always picked and steal his food. He didn’t seem to mind. Heh

Another thing, we tend to eat just one big meal a day. We ate breakfast early a few times but mostly we just had some snacks to start off the day. Then we would do our daily activities which consist of shopping (walking) and sightseeing (walking). Surprisingly I don’t think I gained weight while I was there. Heh

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