Archive for November 4th, 2007

Early birthday gifts for myself

November 4, 2007

I splurged a little this week and am really happy with my purchases. Since my birthday is coming up next week, I figured I’d get something nice for myself. Haven’t done that in a while. Then again, I suppose it’s just an excuse to splurge. Heh

My purchases:

1) Kate eyeshadow

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Kate is a sub-brand of Kanebo, the skincare and cosmetics brand that my mom uses as well as the one who did my makeup for the photoshoot thingy back in August. (Speaking of that I GOT MY PICTURES BACK LAST NIGHT!!!! VERY SATISFIED!!!)

I had wanted to get this eyeshadow since the first time I saw it but it was not on sale. When I was looking around at Everrise the other night, it was on sale for 10% off so it costed me about RM43. They come in gold, blue, purple and silver. I opted for blue to go with my blue dress that I’ll be wearing soon.

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The eyeshadow comes with powdered eyeliner that really enhances the eye. Since I have sepet (smaller) eyes, it was a good thing to have. I mean, look at the results!

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My eyes are HUGE compared to my natural look, LOVE IT!

2) Kate nail polish

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I had not planned on getting nail polish but the salesgirl had this killer nail polish that I thought was absolutely pretty, even though it was black. Yes, BLACK. I have never used black nail polish before. I’m more of the blue-pink-purple shade kinda girl. Anyway the nail polish was on sale too for RM9.80 each.

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See, not very me right?

The thing that made the nail polish nice was the glittery coat over it. The pink glitter one is kinda see-through, so it didn’t effect the color of the black. It turned out absolutely stunning! 😀 I personally think that going darker shades on the nails actually makes your hand look fairer. What do you think?

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The glitter makes a huge difference

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I’m so so SO satisfied with my purchases. 😀

Yes, just two items (technically 3)

For some reason, I’m starting to get into Kate’s cosmetics. I think I wanna go back to look around for some other stuff, like lip gloss and eyeliner. Heh sometimes I wish my job was shopping.

Okay I’m gonna run, Westwing is back on NTV7 at 1.30pm Sundays!

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