Archive for November 8th, 2007


November 8, 2007

It’s midnight..

Happy Birthday to me.

Strange enough, I don’t feel any different hitting 25. Perhaps a decade ago I was expecting to be working and have everything perfect in my life.

Instead, I’m in school almost struggling to get the thesis done and just last week had my supervisor tell me to redo a certain chapter. Also, I’m somewhat saddened and disappointed by a few friendships. *sigh*

At the same time, I’m alive and well. I get to be 25. I get to pursue a Masters Degree. I have eyes to see the world and ears to hear the music of life. I can read, I can write, I am fortunate. Most importantly, I am loved.

Maybe in another 10 years time I’ll be what I dreamt of when I was 15.

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