Archive for March 14th, 2008


March 14, 2008

Somehow I’ve lost the motivation to blog cause stress is “motivating” me to finish my thesis. ARGHHH!!!!

Chapter 6 is almost done. Plan on emailing it in this weekend and next week I’ll start reviewing and editing previous chapters. Each chapter review will take a week…I have this plan worked out (yeah right!). I don’t know how I am going to pull it off before May hits but somehow I HAVE to do it. Wish me luck.

I miss blogging! I have tons to say but worry I’ll spend TOO much time blogging instead of burrying my head in the thesis. Even right now I’m going on a tangent. Eeep! Better sign off now.
Sorry to keep you guys out there waiting and I mean all 5 of you. LOL

Promise to blog when Chapter 6 is done!

Have a great weekend. Cheerios~~

P/S: How come stress doesn’t make me lose weight?!?!

P/S/S: I think it’s cause I indulge in my caffeine addiction to keep awake and alert. BAH!

P/S/S/S: Yes I am HYPER right now.

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