Archive for October 12th, 2009


October 12, 2009

Won’t have a lot of time to blog from now.

Just started a job last week but I do not forsee myself staying there long but who knows? I may grow to love it SO MUCH that I won’t quit.

It’s a long shot because the hours are long and the pay is hardly worth it. I have no fixed lunch hour and most of the time I forget to eat or too busy to. Hmmmm I wonder if my tummy looks flatter. 😕

Had to work til about 9pm my first day so that was a total turn-off for me! You know how they say first impression is everything (well, almost). I work weekends too. Yes, very tragic. 😛

I started to get withdrawal sympthons 2 days into the job for not spending enough time with Rob.

I don’t know if I can say “Well it’s better than nothing”. I almost want to say it but I haven’t made up my mind completely yet.

Anyway, I better sign off now.


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