Archive for April 15th, 2007

La di da

April 15, 2007

I’m meeting with my professor next Wednesday so as always I’m scrambling around getting things done at the last minute. I have about 5 pages right now and still working hard (while going out a lot HEH). When will I learn? It’s mid-April now and I have JUST started Chapter 2…I’m screwed. Heh

I just realized that there aren’t any pictures in the last couple of posts. The reason for that is LAZINESS. I’ve been feeling too lazy to upload the pictures and I have no idea why. Speaking of pictures, I have yet to transfer pictures from 3 nights ago. Arghhhh..why am I so lazy???

Fang Fang was in town for a few days which somewhat explains my absence because I was so busy eating and having fun! I love it! She’s going back tonight so things will slow down a bit. Pictures up in the next post (I hope).

I’m sitting here eating cereal, Post Honey Bunches of Oats with almonds. They are THE BEST!!! I can’t get enough of them. I love the thinly sliced almonds, so crunchy…yummy. Heh

Anyway, time to go. Rob’s online and wants to cyber-snuggle. 😉


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