Archive for December, 2018

2018 Year Ender

December 31, 2018

Wow it’s been many years since I’ve written a year ender. 😱

So let’s recap 2018…

1. We now have a total of 9 cats in and around the house. Trixie and Cooper are our inside cats. Trixie came to us in late 2016 and Cooper in late 2017. Outside we have Buster, Tommy, Mini, Cindy, Spike, Pepper and Ginger. The last 3 are kittens so we are looking to have them adopted. Rescuing cats does get pricey but what’s the alternative? Let them die? Our conscience can’t handle that.

2. Come next May I would be married 5 years and Rob has been here in Kuching for almost 4 years. We’ve gotten along fine most of the time but I will not deny it was a challenge in the beginning to experience living together for such an extended time. We were used to being together 3 months at the most during visits so it took some adjusting to each other’s quirks. So yeah 99 percent of the time we’re good and happy. Since there isn’t a perfect marriage, we are not without arguments or disagreements but we tend to work through them together.

3. Work is work. The only thing that saved me from just being completely burnt out was getting a promotion. I went through the process in 2017 and I received the confirmation letter in April. Of course alongside with a pay raise, it also means I have additional responsibility now and am expected to produce more. It was nice to get the promotion and feel like what I’ve done was validated. I guess the next thing to do is to get a PhD.

4. Family life is alright. I feel like I’m closer with my parents now particularly my mom ever since I moved out. I look forward to meet up with them and just talk and just to spend time together.

5. In terms of travelling, we spent a month back in Chicago just soaking up the food. We didn’t do anything special and just hung out with the in-laws. It was truthfully a relaxing month to be away from work and enjoying the fruits of my raise from my promotion which came at the perfect timing. That was the only travelling we did this year because it wiped out a lot of savings. Heh

I think that’s all I got for now. I better post this up before I forget. 😂

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