Archive for June, 2009

Navy Pier – Part 1

June 29, 2009

Our day started with a detour to Chinatown for some good hearty breakfast AKA dim sum. We went back to the Phoenix, the same restaurant we went to a couple years back.






The angmo eating chicken feet with fork and knife. So cute! ;))



View of downtown Chicago from the train station in Chinatown

Alas! I have returned after 1.5 years


The whole reason for going down to Navy Pier again this time was for us to go on the Ferris Wheel. There is a special story about this ferris wheel ride.


When Rob and I first started out, we would always tell each other about our homes and the things that made our homes special. He would always send me packages of many random things from Chicago. One day he sent me a bunch of postcards and one of them was a picture of Navy Pier, at night, with the ferris wheel in sight. I have always loved ferris wheels but never been on a really huge one before. I told him I would love to go on it if given the chance.


Rob then made a promise to me that one day he will bring me on that ferris wheel, even though he is terrified of heights. During my first visit to Chicago, the ferris wheel was shut down for winter so we didn’t get to go on it. This time he was determined to get me on it.

Rob kept his promise to me. I love you baby! 😡

We decided to go for a two ride combo, which meant we could go on the ferris wheel twice. It was a better deal than buying another ticket ride for the night view. Pictures of the night view in the coming post. This ferris wheel is a 7 minute ride and 150 foot high.

Views from the ferris wheel…




The wave swinger


There was an air show that day so the jets were flying all over the place, doing all sorts of stunts and formation. They were really loud!



After we were done on the ferris wheel, we ventured around Navy Pier sightseeing.  It was such a nice day, skies were blue and it wasn’t that warm at all.

Musical carousel. Yes I was tempted to go it







This will look familiar to you if you have seen Dark Knight.

We were camwhoring by the dock and this guy noticed and offered to take our picture.


He was with, I pressume, his wife and daughter. His daughter wanted really bad to be in the picture so I picked her up and she was uber happy.


And then she was satisfied and we got our couple shot.



Reminds me of the ship in Pirates of the Carribean



Yes we both look tired. Not much sleep the night before apparently

Funny mirrors


This is how I would look short and stumpy



Okay, that’s it for now. Gotta run some errands and get me some Starbucks!

Part 2 will be up soon, with pictures of Navy Pier at night.

Size is just a number

June 25, 2009

I’m sure most Nuffnanggers received an email about MTV Asia’s blogger contest. I thought I’d throw in my two cents worth. I took the liberty of answering the question of “What are your views on plus-sized models?” since I can totally relate to it. Here’s what I wrote.

What do I think about plus-sized models? I think it’s fabulous that we bigger, gifted women/girls are being represented in such a skinny-stick-like industry called modelling. Unfortunately, the concept of plus-sized models is still not entirely accepted in many parts of Asia.

If taken literally plus size seems to have a positive connotation to it. “Plus” in other words is literally positive. Asia has yet to grasp the concept of “plus-sized”. Being full-figured/plus-sized/horizontally-challenged, I don’t at all feel the positivity of being a plus-sized person.

I read somewhere a while back ago that the average woman in the United States is a size 12. Here in Asia, those bigger than a size 8 are deemed “fat”, what more to say me – a size 16. It’s difficult to find fashionable clothes in my size, especially in this little city of Kuching I call home. Even if my sizes are available, most of them are either totally out of fashion, big and baggy and almost never compliments the body and/or are highly priced.

Would I wear a bikini and strut my stuff down the runway? Hell no…at least not at this precise moment. Don’t get me wrong I have my confidence but I don’t have that kind of confidence (yet) to be flaunting my mushroom-top-spare-tyre-overflowing-fat tummy to the world. So again, I ask myself, what do I think of plus-sized models? I think the idea of plus-sized models is fantastic. Yes modelling is about appearances but who is to judge what body size is beautiful. Beauty, as cliché as it sounds, is in the eyes of the beholder. Beauty is subjective. The fact that plus-sized models have the guts to strut down the runway with such great finesse and confidence alone makes them great role-models, especially for young women out there.

And like many other entries have pointed out, Cycle 10 winner of America’s Next Top Model is a plus-sized model. At least over there, plus-sized models are being accepted. Unfortunately I can’t say the same for Asia.

When will Asia embrace physical diversity?

You can also read the post here. If you like it, you’re welcome to rate it. If you don’t like it, well I suppose you have your right to give it the thumbs down. Whatever it is, thanks in advance for the feedback. 😀

Little Cottage

June 23, 2009

I’ve been going to Little Cottage quite frequently for dinner. It’s located in Tabuan Laru area. If memory serves me correctly, it’s located in Lorong 2B3. I find the place very homey because it’s actually like a bistro in a house.


The interior decor






Antic radio

I personally prefer the Nyonya food compared to its western food. The western food takes a longer time to be served, obviously because of the cooking time and doesn’t taste that great. The Nyonya food on the other hand is delish and is served really fast because it’s pre-cooked. My favorite is the Beef Rendang!

My yummy Ice Chocolate

Ayam masak merah…MMMmmmMMmmmm


My favourite Beef Rendang. It’s to die for!

Beef rendang + cucumbers + rice = Drool fest

Asam curry fish

I later found out that the owner of Little Cottage used to work at Denis’ Place, a place I went to a lot as a teenager (which was like 10 years ago) at Main Bazaar.

I’m making myself hungry again. I think I’ll go shove my face in a candy bar. 😛


June 21, 2009

I was going to do a post with pictures but Streamyx is f-ed up and I can’t upload pictures on Photobucket. Been having problems with loading websites and whatnot a lot lately. I have no idea what those idiots are doing. One day I can connect to the internet, by evening the modem doesn’t detect anything. At times I can’t even go on Facebook. PPPFFFTTTTTTT

Anyway, if you guys noticed I’ve added a couple of new things on the sidebars.

First is the chatbox/tagboard/whatever you call it. I’m using Shoutmix for the time being, until I find something better. Features that I prefer requires a premium PAID chatbox but I don’t see the need to pay for that service at this moment. It’s not like my blog is uber popular. So if you’re too lazy to leave a comment (which is moderated) you’re welcome to leave me a message on the Chatbox. Thanks! 😀

Secondly I’ve jumped on the bandwagon of Twittering. You can “follow” me on the left sidebar or go here. Initially I had some problems updating via my mobile phone but it worked eventually. I suppose it takes Twitter a while to finally register my number in their system. So far Rob is the only one following me and I really don’t expect anymore but it’s just fun to play around with this new thingy (wow I am so eloquent tonight). Anybody is welcome to follow me although my life isn’t as exciting as most.

In a totally different subject, I watched a really vulgar crude movie the other day. It’s called My Best Friend’s Girl. It’s really BAD but in a good way. The crude dirty dialogue was absolutely hilarious, if you’re into that kinda humour. To be honest I wasn’t at all that into that kinda humour before, but after watching Tropic Thunder (highly recommended bu Rob’s brother) with Rob and his dad, I learned to appreciate sexually vulgar humour. =))

Let me give quote some examples:
Scene: A mother was lamenting how old she felt because her daughter was getting married.
Guy: I bet back in the day you were one hot slice of fuckberry pie.
Mother: You bet your sweet ass I was.

Scene: Guy picks up girl at house for a date. Girl’s room mate opens the door.
Girl: She’s my room mate.
Guy: I bet she gives great head.

Scene: Guy commenting about friend’s hair.
Guy: Look at me. You look like Chewbacca and Sasquatch had a baby, and that baby took a shit, and that shit was blinded in a knife fight moments before styling your hair.

Yes, Guy is an absolute asshole. That was the whole point of the movie. LOL I’m sorry if you find them offensive but lighten up, it’s suppose to be funny! And if you don’t find it funny, I think you should watch the movie. It’s HILARIOUS.

Nothing will ever make me forget Tom Cruise’s role in Tropic Thunder when he said: “Now I want you to take a step back… and literally fuck your own face!”

Okay, I better call it a night before I quote more vulgar dialogues. Night y’all!

Chicago Botanic Garden Part 2

June 18, 2009

Lots of pictures in this post so go walk around the block or something. 😛

The rose garden was the one of the gardens that were closed during the winter. I was eager to check out the roses. I was definitely NOT disappointed. Mostly there were just red and pink roses but they were so beautiful. I admit I was tempted to pluck a few. 😉









The waterfall garden was also closed during winter. It seems that I have missed out quite on quite a lot during my first visit. I love the waterfalls. It was nice to sit there for a moment and listen to the tranquility of water flowing.







Ying yang ducks by the waterfall





We were tired of walking for almost 8 hours and decided to wait and catch the sunset by the lake nearby. The last time we caught a sunset together was at the beach when Rob was here.


While waiting, we camwhored.



Kissy kissy :-*  :-*

Awwwwww Robbie so happy! Makes me smile to see him so happy 😀 😡

My favourite picture of us. I have this picture framed in my room.

And then the sunset begins…






We left about 8.30pm hungry as hell. Stopped by a restaurant (I forgot what name) and gobbled down food. It wasn’t great food so I guess it’s not surprise I can’t remember the name. Heh

We had crabcakes as appetizers. Not too bad.




I think I had some Jamaican chicken with rice kinda thing. The chicken was dry and the rice was kinda tasteless. The thing that was somewhat tasty was the apple sauce that came with it.


Rob’s main course. Some kinda beef brisket thing.


And because food wasn’t that great and we didn’t finish, I started playing with our food. I made a sailboat. Heh.


This is totally unrelated but later that night at about 2am, we were a little bored, so Rob took me shopping at Walgreens.


We were practically the only two persons in the store, as you can already tell with the empty parking lot. While cruising the aisles and poking fun at each other, Rob got ahead of me and stopped at the toys aisle. He then took a ball and threw it at me. I caught it and threw it back at him low. He kicked the ball and it bounces off and hit my forehead!!!! I swear it was like I saw the ball coming at me in slow motion and before I could react WHAM it literally hit me.

The ball then bounced back to him and he had a combination of a look of horror in his face while trying not too laugh. I was in shock when the ball hit my forehead (it didn’t hurt, I was just in shock), stood there for a few seconds dumbfounded.

When I finally realised what had happened, the first words outta my mouth was “YOUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” while pointing at him and then we both laughed hysterically. I kept pointing at him, between laughs and said “I don’t care, you’re paying for my stuff here!”. I grabbed a basket and piled on things like no tomorrow. At this point he was wiping tears from his eyes because he laughed so hard.

We bought flavored tea, candy, moisturiser, hair brushes, and a coloring book, among other knick knacks. Yes, a coloring book….for ME. No, I don’t want to get into that right now.  😛

~le sigh~ I miss shopping at 2 in the morning!

Chicago Botanic Garden

June 17, 2009

Visiting the Chicago Botanic Garden during the summer was a lot different compared to the winter time. Seeing as I went crazy taking pictures there during the winter time, I thought it would be a great idea to visit again during summer when flowers are blooming and everything is purty. Don’t get me wrong the Chicago Botanic Garden was beautiful in the winter time but I HAD to see it during the warm weather.


We were supposed to borrow Rob’s brother’s DSLR but at the last minute something came up so we had to make do with the two digital cameras. But hey, that didn’t stop me. I went absolutely INSANE taking pictures of that place. It was a totally different view altogether and I loved it. I can’t wait to go back there again, perhaps during fall. 😀


I sorted through the pictures I took and I think it’s better I break up the post about the garden into two. I think overall there are around 100 pictures. This post should have about 50 or so pictures. Maybe it’s best you go pee or something first.

All you gotta do is pay an entrance and parking fee and you could stay however long you wanted. We spent over 8 hours there and still couldn’t finish exploring the place. It was HUGE. Anyway I’m just going to let the pictures do most of the talking.


Grape vines

Rob taking a picture of me taking a picture of him

Grapes! I was so tempted to ask Rob to pluck me some to eat.


Rainbow formed in the pond/lake whatever you want to call it, the wonders of nature.



I love the sunflowers. They were ALL over the place. (Well DUH it was summer after all.)






This is next picture is my favourite picture and one I am very proud of. I had to be very quiet and still while taking it. I have to say it came out really nice (albeit after a lot of tries ) considering it was taken with just a point-and-shoot digital camera.


Now moving on to the lilies. Oh the beautiful lilies….and they smell so GOOD!









Water lilies in the pond…






More pictures












Grasshopper staring back at me



In the midst of walking around going crazy taking pictures, we took a turn somewhere and came upon bushes with cute little maroon colored flowers.


Then I saw this sign..

I started rubbing the leaves and flowers and sniffing my fingers. It’s true. They do smell like chocolate! I was hungry at the time and the smell made me crave chocolates so much. So what did I do? I rubbed more and sniffed my fingers like some disgusting socio-path.


Rob tried to coax me to keep moving but I was just insanely into sniffing my fingers. Eventually, we moved on and came across some ducks and started snapping pictures.



Then we saw this sculpture thing by the pond where the ducks were hanging out. Apparently I decided to “be” a flapping duck…



See any similarities? QUACK!

Part 2 coming up soon. I need time to resize and upload another batch of 50.

The password

June 14, 2009

The previous post is protected because I don’t want the related persons to read it. 

I will give the password to those who ask. Friends and family who can contact me via MSN, ask and you shall receive. :smug: Those who can’t, you can email me at shinyi[at]shin-yi[dot]com and I will give you the password. Enjoy reading!

P/S I ask that you don’t share the password. Simply ask me if you wish to read. I can be quite generous. I’m test driving this password giving thing and if it doesn’t work well for me I shall be weary of giving out passwords in the future. Thanks for your cooperation! 😀

Protected: The Great Escape

June 14, 2009

This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below:

Lake Michigan

June 12, 2009

One summer day Rob and I decided to go sightseeing around Chicago. I had wanted to see Lake Michigan during the summer time since the last time I was there, it was DEAD cold and windy. This time it wasn’t dead cold…it was just windy. Guess it’s called the Windy City for a reason.

It was such a good day to sightsee, the sky was blue and the sun was bright. Very purty! 😀

That’s the dog beach


I enjoyed watching the dogs play, chasing each other and dipping in the water. How nice would it be if we had a dog beach. I know Leo would love it. Speaking of that dog, he was doing the pity face by the door and wouldn’t give up (even though I tried really hard to ignore him) until I gave him a treat. Crap! That dog knows my weak side too well.



Told you it was windy…

More vainity

It was really sunny, which explains Rob’s squint but he’s still CUTE ;;)



Lurking from the wall at the bathroom area





After the lake, we decided to drive downtown for some sightseeing. Actually it was just me wanting to take pictures of the skyline.

This church looks so much different than the last time I saw it.

The wiener car. Rob did explain what it’s about but I don’t remember. :blush:

As we approached the city, there was a standstill. It was a weekend so there was no reason for the traffic jam. Rob thought that it was because of a baseball game.



It wasn’t a baseball game. In fact, very far from it. As Rob was maneuvering to avoid the congestion, we somehow ended in unfamiliar territory. We reached GAY TERRITORY.


The first indication that it was gay territory was when I saw two guys holding hands, literally skipping down the street like two little girls. They looked so gay happy!

See? So cuddly!

We had the windows down so I didn’t want to offend anyone by going crazy snapping pictures of gay guys with their Asian looking baby or guys kissing each other by the roadside. The BEST thing I saw was a waiter, in a tuxedo costume (and believe me it WAS a costume) above the waist and black tights. Let me explain why I said “above the waist”. As Rob drove by, this waiter, with a menu in his hand, turned and I saw his bare ASS. His black tights was bare at the back. My jaw dropped.  :-O 

I’m sure you realized by now that we were both in shock. The first thing outta my mouth was “HONEY LOOK!!!! HIS TIGHTS!! I SEE ASS!!!” Before Rob could say anything back, I said “OH MY GOD! LOOK AT HIS ASS!!!! HE’S GOT A NICER LOOKING ASS THAN I DO!!” Rob responded by saying “Honey I don’t want to look at his ass!!!!”

Then I go “BUT HIS ASS IS SO PERKY AND SMOOTH LOOKING AND WHITE”. Rob cringed and said “NO NO NO OH NO I DON’T want to hear about another guy’s ass.”  =)) It’s not like he’s some homophobe or anything but I think any straight guy would feel very uncomfortable to be in that situation. LOL Sad to say I didn’t manage to snap a picture. The last thing we needed was a bunch of gay guys wanting to beat us up. =))

Trying to recover from it, Rob kept driving and we reached an alley. Guessing there was a back way out of that alley, he turned in. Then I saw two guys, standing next to each other, back facing us, towards a wall of sorts. Suddenly I understood the visual and realized that these two guys were peeing behind the wall.  :))   Along the way I saw many more gay men and rainbow hats/ballons/costumes.

Anyway, turns out roads were closed for the Northalsted Market Days. Obviously the rainbow flag meant it was some gay festival celebration.


Now I have nothing against gay people nor am I so “sua ku” to have not seen gay guys before. I was just caught off guard and was ecstatic with what I saw. It definitely was a culture shock for me. Thinking back, I was definitely really “into” the whole scene. No, I don’t mean I’m into gays ok. I love my man!

Eventually Rob managed to get out of Gaysville and drove around a bit more before heading back for dinner.


If this looks familiar to you, you may have seen it in the Dark Knight movie which was mainly filmed in downtown Chicago.





Okay, that’s all I’ve got to say for now. I’m still thinking about that gay guy’s perky butt and wishing I had a nice butt like his. Rob is probably cringing again now reading this. HEH HEH HEH HEH


June 11, 2009

There was a blackout for more than an hour earlier. It’s such a warm and humid night that just laying on my bed waiting for power to come back on made me sweat. I was happily watching Desperate Housewives in my A/C room and then POOF I was sitting in the dark. First I lit scented candles in my room thinking that for the first time in a long while, they may actually get used. Fifteen minutes into it I began to feel the heat and then I blew them all off.

I called SESCO, which apparently has 24 hour service now, which I never knew  until tonight, and was told that they have already received complaints and that they had already sent someone to check out the problem.

The funny thing was the houses across the street were all lit but the houses in my row and those behind were out of power. The neighbours were probably thinking we all coincidentally didn’t pay our electricity bill or something. :P  Okay that was kinda lame, thought I could make some witty comment on the blackout issue but obviously I failed. OH WELL.  

The blackout lasted about an hour and half. It was probably one of the longest hour EVER. I’m really glad we got power back. Sheesh I don’t think I would be able to sleep tonight without my fan running. I normally don’t like to have my A/C on the whole night while I sleep cause I find that wasteful. The way I see it I’ll be sleeping so I wouldn’t know the A/C was on or not. As long as I am comfortable with the fan running, its okay by me. Lol doesn’t make much sense does it? That’s just my sense of logic I guess. *shrug*

Anyway it’s getting late. (1.52 am) I am off to bed now, with my fan on high!  😀

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