Archive for October, 2007

Cold feet

October 30, 2007

Currently sick with a cold. At least it feels like a cold for the moment. Colds I can handle, infections = argh. I got rained on yesterday and since then my feet have been cold. I have no idea why.

This morning I was awoken from deep slumber by a knock on my door…at 6am! Had to send dear ol’ dad to the airport. Came back and slept, well at least I tried to and I think I got another 20-30 minutes of shut-eye before I had to wake up and get ready for work.

I’m still busy with the thesis. The meeting with the professor was ok I guess. Lots of comments and feedback. He told me to redo certain parts of the chapter and to break it up into sub-chapters yadda yadda yadda stuff that I rather not bore you with. At the end of the meeting, he patted me on the shoulder and said “Shin Yi, if you’re mad at me for asking you to redo this chapter, it’s ok…” and he went on about how harder it was when he was doing his PHD. Something about spending 3 months working on a chapter and his supervisor told him to redo the whole thing cause it was just not usable. To that I told him “That’s why I won’t go further on for a PHD. I would go insane!”

Anyway I’m going to finish up the whole draft thesis before I look back on chapters and make changes/edits. Must keep my focus on current progress (like the constant sneezing is helping!). So with that said, the last thing I need is to be down with some kinda infection that would take weeks to recover. I must load myself with vitamin C and healthy stuff like that.

Most likely I won’t update much this week, so check back next week k?

Pinky and the Brain

October 26, 2007

Sorry for the lack of updates this week. Been busy with the thesis and whatnot.

Anyway, something funny happened today.

If you have never watched Pinky and the Brain before, please watch the video first so that you’ll get the joke I was going for with Rob today.

Okay, so here goes the conversation between Rob and I this afternoon. Now bear in mind we did not watch the video or talk about the cartoon prior.

R: So what do you wanna do today baby?
S: The same thing we do everyday honey, TRY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!
R: …..
S: …..

*Cue us both laughing like crazy*

Lame? Well I thought it was hysterical. It’s been years since I last watch this cartoon. I used to watch it during my teenage years and just totally like the song. I used to sing along the introductory song “Pinky and the brain, Pinky and the Brain, one is a genius, the other’s insane, they’re labaratory mice…”

So after laughing for a good 10 minutes, I went on YouTube and found the introductory song video. Then, I stumbled across another video. I showed it to Rob and we’re hooked on saying “BRAINSTEM! BRAINSTEM!”. Increase the volume and watch!

I think it’s utterly hysterical when Brain was playing the tambourine, with that very serious look on his face. This video would’ve helped me a lot during high school days in science class. I think this video would be helpful for those studying medicine as well, especially when it comes to remembering brain parts like BRAINSTEM BRAINSTEM!!!


Okay, back to the thesis.


Road Trip: Serikin

October 22, 2007

Yesterday, being a Sunday and all, my parents and I, along with Fiona went on a roadtrip to Serikin. Serikin is basically located a little over an hour’s drive from Kuching and borders Kalimantan, Indonesia. The Serikin market traders sell are from Indonesia.

I was quite sceptical about this trip in the first place, thinking what possibly could a pasar/market on a border offer me. Boy was I wrong. After looking at pictures and reading about people’s experiences on blogs, I thought it would be quite an interesting place to shop see. I woke up around 6.30am, went to breakfast and arrived at Serikin around 8.30am or so.

They sell TONS of stuff. I was quite surprised to see how long the stretch of road was with stalls selling various kinds of souvenir items such as rottan mat, wood carvings, batik fabrics, handbags, ready-made baju kebaya (Malay traditional costume) and many more.

The first stall I encountered sold….


Lots of handbags…

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Some blogs even say the prices are cheaper than KL’s Petaling Street. Personally I think it’s easier to bargain with these Indonesian sellers than Petaling Street’s notorious sellers. The Indonesians were really really polite and friendly.

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Clothes and fabrics

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More clothes and fabrics

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Rotan produce

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The stretch of stalls by the roadside could reach more than 600-700m if I had to guess. Most of these stalls sell imitation perfume and handbags. The craftmenship of the handbags are really good that even I couldn’t tell the difference. Then again I may not know at all that much seeing as I don’t use branded items that often. The LV bags look real to me. Who knows some of those people on the streets of Kuching who are parading around with their LV/Coach bags and Prada/Gucci sunglasses bought their “branded goods” at Serikin.

The perfume was a good steal for me, seeing as I love different kinds of fragances. The perfumes are packaged exactly the same and they smell the same too. Don’t take my word for it though, sellers let you test the perfume. In the end, I bought two bottles! Sellers will give you more discounts when you buy more from them.

And because there’re many stalls selling almost the same items, we, the buyers have a lot of bargaining power. Wuahahahahaha.

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This is a toilet – I am not kidding

I think further up after passing that green sign would be Kalimantan. I didn’t dare venture that far up.

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I had stuff to buy still but it was scorching hot by 11am so we left. I definitely wanna go back again for more bargains.

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VERY VERY satisfied

On the way back we turned into the junction to the Wind Cave so I could capture these pictures.

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Pretty eh? I think so. Hope you guys had a wonderful weekend. I know I did. ๐Ÿ˜€

Been shopping…

October 20, 2007

I bought a few things over the past week, with it being the holiday season and lots of sales are going on.

My first purchase was a purse. My existing purse which I had bought during my Bangkok trip last year is already showing some signs of wear and tear around the edges. When I saw this new purse I immediately fell in love with it. I was flipping it around, checking out the compartments and whatnot at the store.

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The purse comes in black and purple. I liked both but ended up getting the black one instead. I love the embroidery pattern on it. I’ve always been a sucker for embroidered products.

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I also love those little details when it comes to clothes and accessories. Look at the signature Anna Sui butterfly as a button for the purse. Release the button and you get…

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Lots and lots of pockets for cards

Again, I love the floral motif detail inside. Same thing with the other side of the purse; the compartment for coins. Absolutely gorgeous in my opinion. I am also a sucker for small sweet floral motifs. I blame my mom, because as a child she would dress (no pun intended) me in tiny pink floral patterned dresses. Worst part is, she agrees with my theory. Oh, by the way, my mom liked the purse too so she ended up taking the purple one. ^_^”

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My next purchase was a mouse. Not just any ordinary mouse…a PINK mouse! No, I don’t know what’s up with me and pink these days It just sorta happened. I never really liked pink that much during my teenage years. Perhaps I’m only just catching up now? *shrugs*

Anyway back to the pink mouse which I now dubbed it “Mousie”. It’s a Logitech Mini Optical Mouse Plus+. Bought it at one of the computer stores at Saberkas. It was priced for RM42 but the owner sold it to me for RM38. I thought it was pretty cheap considering Logitech products really last long and other China generic brands cost between RM19-RM30.

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Isn’t it pretty?

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The thing I like most about this mouse (other than it being pink) is the convenience of packing it up. Being a laptop user and having to tote it around sometimes, the cord wraps around the mouse for easy storage which mean no tangles.

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You can even button the USB port on the bottom of the mouse itself.

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Cool eh? I’m pretty sure this mouse has been in the market for some time nown so I’m probably out of date with this so-called review.

Oh look at the time. I gotta run. Meeting SIAW friend Fiona for lunch.

The verdict

October 18, 2007

I’m sure many of you out there are awaiting my verdict on the Freebra.

First, I would like to gladly announce that I didn’t damage the bra. No scratches, no dents, no tears, no nothing. So that means ANYONE can handle the bra.

Second, it felt weird to have something stick on your boobs like that. It sticks so good that when you peel it off, your nipples get pulled too. Seriously. I know that’s really blunt but you know I HAD to say it. LOL

Third, applying the bra on your boobs is quite a tricky task the first time. I suggest a few trial practices.

Okay, so my verdict is:

The bra works…to an extent.


Because (for me) since I’m fat horizontally challenged which means my boobs are bigger than normal I have a wider chest area, the bra doesn’t give me the needed “lift”. Now, I’m not saying it doesn’t totally work. It does lift, it does support but I personally feel it’s not enough because of my size. The bra covers half, if not less, of your boobs. It sticks to your skin really well and I seriously doubt “the jelly will drop off” as what Sharon was worrying over.

I really think this bra will work on those who are smaller, and I mean in terms of physical size, not just the size of your boobs. I feel that people who have bigger boobs a wider chest area will not get as much lift as they want…

You know what? Screw it. I’ll just be blunt about it.

If your boobs are in the bigger upper cup range, I personally don’t think it will give you the lift and support that a normal bra can give you.

If you are a A or B cup, the chances of it working is SO SO SO much higher. I say, go give it a try! I’m almost certain it will work and you’ll probably be wearing more slutty bare-back clothes or something like that.

My final say…






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I didn’t look this happy when I had the Freebra on leh. So sad. ๐Ÿ™

P/S: This is MY experience with the bra. It is MY opinion of it. It doesn’t mean what I say is entirely accurate for others ok?

P/P/S: By the way, no offence to those who are overweight ok? We’re “gifted” people, if ya know what I mean. ๐Ÿ˜‰




October 16, 2007

Last night I went leengerie lingerie shopping with my two friends. Within an hour or so I spent around RM100 which is something I rarely do, considering my size and the availability in Kuching. I bought something called Freebra, or some other brands like NuBra. I’m sure they’re all pretty much the same thing, just different brands I suppose.

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“New definition for freedom”. True not??? HEHEHE

I’ve come to known of this “miracle” bra a few years ago when I was in Australia. I always wondered about it and wouldn’t mind trying but then again I thought such a small, soft thing could never offer me the “support” I need. To brutally honest, I can’t go braless nor strapless because my boobs would be pointing towards the ground like an old lady’s again, I don’t think I’m getting enough support in those right places, if you know what I mean. Plus, they were really expensive.

Anyway, last night I was at Crowne Square and saw the bra at the Lingerie shop. My two SIAW friends insisted that the bra works. Since it was on sale for RM38.90 (originally RM42.90) I figured I might as well try it out. If it doesn’t work, at least I didn’t waste over RM100 buying it when they first came out.

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The package

On the pamphlet, it says the bra is “self adhesive and self supportive, washable and reusable, soft and natural, seamless and invisible, front closure for cleavage”. The lady at the store told me that I could use this bra up to 30 times. Personally, if I get up to 15 uses outta it, I would be damn happy, like this

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See what I mean about it being small?

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See, it’s so smooth

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But it’s very sticky

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Clear bra straps that came with it

The instructions are as follow…

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I haven’t tried it yet. I’m a bit apprehensive to try it on as I’m worried that I might damage it somehow i.e. scratching or denting it since I am not the most graceful person. Heh Besides, I think it’s better I’m clean and showered. Maybe I will try it tomorrow.

Most importantly…






I hope I’m this happy when I have it on…

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Will keep you guys posted.

And no, I am going to post out pictures of me in it. The last thing you guys need is vommit on your keyboard. ๐Ÿ˜›

Dancing cockatoo

October 12, 2007

Okay just a very quick update before I start doing my work. Sorry for the lack of updates this week but do bear with me as I try to finish up the thesis by the end of the month (HAH! I WISH!) or maybe early next month. Hard to say but oh well. ๐Ÿ˜›

I got a haircut last night, about 4-5 inches cut off. Had lots of brittled hair and split ends too so I figured I might as well get the cut now before I straighten it (again) at the end of the year to avoid further damage to the hair.

Anywayyyyyyyyyyy, the main purpose for this post is…

Check out this video of Snowball a cockatoo dancing to Backstreet Boys’ song “Everybody”. I laughed my ass off watching it and I still laugh after watching it over and over again. It’s one of the funniest damn things I’ve ever seen. Enjoy~~

How to make a successful librarian 101

October 8, 2007

I went to the library Saturday morning and like any normal library visit, the idiotic librarian(s) pissed me off. When I was done gathering my books, I headed to the counter to return a few books so I could borrow some more. Now *in all ah-lian-ness*, my uni is very the canggih one. We have self-check out machines to borrow books on the way out of the library. No need other people do for us one. Then hoh, why still got librarians ah? (Sorry for those who don’t get the whole Ah-Lian impersonation)

Anyway, I figured since I had to return the books at the counter, I might as well just get the books I wanna borrow checked out there, right? So upon walking towards the counter, I see BITCH librarian all horny and giggling talking to the security guard. I started to wonder if she would be interested in DOING HER JOB in the next 30 seconds.

I reached the counter and they both ignored me. Bitch librarian keeps talking. Standing for a good 10 seconds or so, I said “Excuse me” and smile. She looks up at me like I just interrupted her f******… nah too vulgar, having sex oh-so-very-intellectual-discussion about global warming or some worldly issue…YEAH RIGHT *roll eyes*. Shuffling the books around I said, “Ini return dan yang ni pinjam” (“I wanna return these and borrow these”). She takes the books I wanna return oh-so-willingly and say “Nak pinjam pergi sana mesin” (Go use the machine if you want to borrow).

%$@!!#*^ BITCH!!!!!!!!!!

Now I have borrowed books over the counter many MANY times. Many times than the number of armpit hair I have, okay maybe not…I’m just exaggerating. Bitch was probably getting all horny talking to macho security guard with a stick…the plastic stick that is, ya know those black baton that will save the library if there was some kinda terrorist attack, where did your dirty brain go to? ๐Ÿ˜›

I know, I know…you’re probably thinking “Just use the self-checkout machine next time lah!” The realistic me is agreeing with you. No point depending on horny assinines to do something as simple as sliding a book on a machine right?

But then the annoying sarcastic me wants to continue borrowing over the counter because I just can’t bear to see these A+ grade librarians sitting on their fat asses all day doing nothing and wasting their “talent”. I must, I MUST give them the chance to practice. After all, practice makes perfect right? *grin*

So let’s recap this lesson on how to be a successful librarian (or any other profession for that matter) :

  1. Sit on your ass all day.
  2. Don’t do your job.
  3. When guy with stick comes, no pun intended, giggle.
  4. Be as horny rude as possible.

I hope you all learn the art of being a librarian from today’s lesson.

P/S: No offense to all other librarians who ACTUALLY do their job.
P/P/S: Excuse the somewhat vulgarity. One word: CAFFEINE

Pleasantly plump

October 5, 2007

I was on a tangent earlier today…

S: *in singing mode* I’m fat fat fat fat fat fat fat
R: No you’re not honey
S: Oh yes I am lalalalalalala
R: Nah you’re not. You’re just pleasantly plump.
S: ……
R: *waits for response*
S: …..
R: ……
S: *huge grin* I knew I love you for a reason honey ๐Ÿ˜€
R: Lol I was getting a bit worried on how you would respond

*cue us both laughing like crazy*

Ok it may not be funny for you but it was funny at the time it happened.

It’s not something I do often but I tend to get a bug up my ass and start blabbering about big arms and tummy and whatnot. It’s a fact that I am overweight AKA fat in this oh-so-cruel world. But at the end of the day, I am happy with who I am. ๐Ÿ˜€

Chapter 5 is still in the works. The ambitious me is saying “Gotta hand it in next week” but I don’t think that is quite possible. My overall aim is to get Chapter 5 and 6 in before my birthday but not sure if I can do that either. Lots to read still so I’m gonna sign off now.

Have a wonderful weekend guys!

I am very the Cina

October 1, 2007

I had hash browns and made scrambled eggs for lunch today. Surprisingly the scrambled eggs turned out scrumptous. I had the sudden inspiration to add in some extra, yet healthy, ingredients.

I beat two eggs with a pinch of salt, pepper, garlic powder and dried thyme. Seeing as the non-stick-pan no longer non-sticks (yeah you gotta read that twice) I drizzled a little olive oil into the mix. It came out golden and smelt so good! I amaze myself at times. ๐Ÿ˜›

Got the hashbrowns from the frozen section of the supermarket and since it was already cooked I didn’t wanna pan fry it in oil again. So I chose the healthier route and put a couple in a toaster over, about 3 minutes on each side. They came out crispy! YUM!

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However, my Cina-ness (Chinese-ness) got the best of me. I HAD to add another extra ingredient to make my meal perfect…






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Chilli sauce.

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