Archive for May, 2007

Short update

May 31, 2007

I had lunch with Soupy aka Siew Pin today at Crowne Square and forgot to take pictures with her. Arghhh I keep forgetting I have a camera phone. =S I wanted to take pictures of my lunch and show Rob and make him drool. HEH

More and more people are getting into playing Sudoku. Innitially I didn’t want to get into it because I know me. I get hooked on these things very easily. But today, Rob and I tried it online on MSN and I have to say it’s quite interesting. Oh God, I think I’m starting to get hooked. Honey, this is your fault. 😛

Anyway, tomorrow is Gawai and most working people will have the next 4 days off. So, Gayu Guru Gerai Nyamai 😀


May 30, 2007

Meet Pinkie, my new phone. Yes I’m starting to name my new gadgets, with Rob’s help of course. 😛

The Nokia N72 is not so common in the market. Even the Nokia Malaysia website doesn’t have any info on it. I had to go to Nokia Asia Pacific to find the specs. It has a 2 megapixel camera which is sufficient enough for me seeing as I already have a digital camera. Innitially I had wanted to get the Nokia 5300 but after discussing with Rob and my dad, I kinda decided it was a bit too childish for me in terms of color and style.

I’m still trying to familiarize myself with the buttons and functions. I have been a Samsung phone user for over 2 years so I need time to get used to Nokia again. My first Nokia was the 8250. So, as promised here are pictures of Pinkie…

Pinkie with a rubbery plastic cover on to prevent scratches

Without cover and you can see the screen protector is starting to peel off

I love the detail at the back

Isn’t it pretty? 😀

I keep forgetting that I have a camera phone now. I did have a NEC camera phone but the phone pack didn’t come with a memory card or USB cable so I don’t take pictures with it, plus the picture quality wasn’t good. So, like I said, I keep forgetting I have the ability to take pictures with my phone now and I still bring my digital camera out with me. Of course this phone can’t replace my beloved digital camera (which I think needs a name, any ideas anyone?).

Ok, back to the thesis. Ciao~

What a nice week…

May 26, 2007

Sorry I have not been updating much this week. Been busy with everyday stuff and working on Chapter 2. It has been a good week for me because…

  1. My tumy doesn’t hurt anymore!
  2. I got a new phone! After about two and a half years of using the same phone, I caved in and got a new one. Actually, it was my dad who bought me the phone, to be exact. It’s a Nokia N72. It’s not that popular here in Malaysia so it took me a few days to finally find it because most stores don’t have it in stock. Furthermore the color I wanted, which is PINK(!) is even more rare. I almost gave up and wanted to get a black one and then buy a pink casing for it. But Rob said I must keep looking and I found it! In his exact words,” You have to get the pink phone honey! It matches your blog!” Bleh, make me sound like such a bimbo. I LOVE MY PINK PHONE! I’ll post up pics soon.
  3. My mom came back from Perth bearing gifts for me! Clothes, shoes, haircare products and chocolates!!! I have new clothes. YAY! Like I mentioned before, due to my size it’s kinda hard to get clothes here in Kuching. So when I say I’m fat and have a big ass, I’m really not kidding.
  4. The supervisor is helping me with the scholarship application. Apparently, he had a conversation with the head of the scholarship committee and brought up my case. Guess what? Remember all that crap the dean was telling me about being not eligible to apply? Well, the dean is a lying cheating scumbag. He NEVER talked to the head of the scholarship committee. So, on Monday the supervisor asked me to give him all the relevant documents to apply and he will personally go see the dean to get his signature and if he doesn’t want to sign it, the supervisor will ask him to put in comments in the form as to why he refuses. When that’s done, supervisor will personally hand in the application to the head of the scholarship committee. So nice of him! =D

I just got back from playing badminton and I’m a little sore. Took a hot warm shower and I should work on Chapter 2. Going to bed soon though cause I have plans tomorrow morning.


Atlanta: Thierry and Georgia

May 22, 2007

Meet Thierry and Georgia.

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Like I said before, my cousin in Atlanta has two adorable kids. Thierry, the boy, is the elder one and is 5 years old and Georgia, the girl, is 3 years old. Now, bear in mind that when I was there last year, Georgia was only 2 and talked like a 5 year old! Thierry will be 6 in September and has great drawing skills. He’s very creative. Georgia calls herself “Princess Georgi” and loves Walt Disney’s Princesses i.e. Cinderella, Ariel, Sleeping Beauty, Belle etc.

I miss talking and playing with them. I had met both of them before when my cousin came back in 2005 and Georgia was only a baby so she had no idea who I was. Thierry had an idea who I was, referring to met as the aunt who constantly brought him to McDonald’s for Happy Meals. The day I got to meet them in Atlanta was fun even though I was tired. I played and talked with them. By bedtime, I was reading them stories and Georgia invited me to sleep with her in her tiny tiny bed. Hahahaha

Anyway, up until now they still remember me and just last month when my cousin was looking at a new house, Thierry suggested they have an extra room so that I can stay with them and play with them everyday. How cute is that?

To be honest, I didn’t think that I would adore kids that much. I guess the exception is just how charming these two are. Here are some pictures.

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Georgia with her “Ariel” pose.

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I see a future model in the works.

The last night I was in Atlanta, I made the kids put on their Halloween costumes. It was just too funny. I especially love Thierry’s Spongebob costume as I like the cartoon so much. Georgia was also cute in her Cinderella costume that came with a tiara, a wand and a pair of glass slippers lookalike that were just TOO big for her.

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See what I mean about the slippers?

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Playing with my hat and scarf

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Thierry the scarecrow

I also took the liberty of taking some videos of them. Some of them they were talking, some they were dancing. The ones below are them singing Christmas songs by the tree.

Did you hear my cousin going “He doesn’t know how to sing” in mandarin? Hahahaha

Now to the singer in the family. Remember, Georgia was 2 years old when this video was taken.

Isn’t she a darling? I just laugh when I watch her waving the wand around like she’s a teacher scolding kids in class.

Who would’ve thought I would miss the kids this much to make a post out of it?

I’m allergic to mussels

May 20, 2007

Remember I talked about having a gassy/bloated stomach a few days ago? Well, it has gotten worse since then. I’m getting churns and occasional sharp pains on my left side. To make matters worse, I had gotten my bloody curse on Friday. So, add (literally) bloody cramps to the equation! I have been miserable since Friday. The feeling comes and goes so just when I think I’m feeling better, I get those churns and sharp pains again. I also feel nauseous and have been getting diarrhoea the last couple days.

It seemed to be getting worse so I caved in went to see the doctor. It’s been 3 days and normally I don’t get menstrual pain that long. My body temperature was a little higher than normal so the doctor checked for appendics but I was okay. I tried to explain to him what I felt in the stomach but it was hard because it’s a combination of a few things.

The doctor did his checkup on me and concluded that I have some sort of bacteria in my intestines cause I was allergic to something I ate. On Wednesday night, I had some mussels for dinner. Within 30 minutes, I felt an uncomfortable poke in my stomach. So I guess it was the mussels. Who would have thought that mussels would make anyone feel THAT bad.

Now, I have a bunch of pills to take and some rehydration salt to mix with water that tastes bland yet has a salty smell to it. I SO don’t like it. I almost gagged when I took a sip the first time. Yuck!

Well, I’m gonna get some rest now. My stomach is not being friendly.

The forgotten post: Atlanta

May 19, 2007

I realized not too long ago that I totally forgot to post up pics and whatnot about the trip to Atlanta. I only visited a few places in Atlanta because I was there for like two days or so. Enjoy the pictures!

If you guys didn’t already know, the 1996 Olympic Games was held in Atlanta, Georgia. So here are some pictures of the Olympic Park.

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It was a nice sunny day in Atlanta but my heart was gloomy. I left Chicago that morning and I hardly had any sleep. I was still trying to get over the fact that I didn’t know when would be the next time I’ll see my Robbie. So, if you think I look sad or smiling fake in some pictures, you know why.

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The 1996 Olympic torch

Walking in downtown Atlanta was a lot different than in Chicago or New York. There aren’t as many tall buildings or traffic jams and people seemed more laidback. I got excited when my cousin told me she was taking me to the CNN HQ!

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The CNN building from afar

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Getting closer

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And I’m there!

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The CNN building was so huge, decorated with flags of countries around the world. There is large food court when you walk through the main lobby. For a week day, the building was packed. I wondered if I would meet some CNN newsreaders but since I don’t have Astro to watch CNN, I wouldn’t know I met one if I did. You can tour the building by paying a fee of like $30. I thought it was quite a hefty penny to pay so we didn’t take the tour.

My cousin did pay for me to take a picture in the CNN newsroom. She called it a Christmas gift for me since I got her Grey’s Anatomy on DVD. 😉 The portrait cost like $18 and I think it was worth HER money. If it were me, I’d do curency conversions in my head and refuse to get my picture taken. I’ll have to scan the picture to show you guys.

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Since we didn’t take the CNN tour, it was a short walk through the lobby and out the back door. Five minutes down the block we reached the famous Underground Atlanta. There wasn’t much to see though because it was just basically a shopping haven for tourists. There were lots of stalls selling souvenirs and food. I had my share of shopping in New York and Chicago that I didn’t buy much in Atlanta. I did buy a keychain and refriegerator magnets as it’s kind of what I do when I visit a place.

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I think I forced that smile. =S

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My cousin and moi

We also visited the Coke HQ and there was a Coke store inside the ground floor. I saw a Sprite t-shirt that looked really nice, with glitters and all, but it costed $50!!! Too expensive my liking. Actually, most things inside the Coke store was pretty expensive. I guess it’s sorta like a brand name in itself.

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I’m surrounded by Coke merchandise!

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Coke polar bears

There was this guy who was filling up a Coke vending machine that looked like the ones you see in old movies/TV shows. You popped in 4 quarters and out comes a bottle of Coke. Then you open the bottle cap and drink up. Nice cold refreshing Coke! Ahhhhhhhhhh.

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Drinking Coke the old-fashion way.
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Roadside flowers

Flowers seem to bloom much nicer at the Chicago Botanic Garden than that right? Okay, I’m just biased. =P

That was pretty much it for my first day in Atlanta. Just turbo-sightseeing I guess. Even though it seemed like a short day, but by the time we were done, it was close to 4pm and it was time to go back to meet my cousin’s kids. My cousin has 2 kids, a boy and a girl. I had so much fun playing with them. They are an adorable pair so check back for the next post.

It’s too early

May 18, 2007

It’s freaking 6.30 in the morning and I have been up since 4.30am. Reason? My dad and I had to send my mom off as she’s going to Perth for a week. Right now she’s on the plane to KL to catch the connecting flight to Perth. I decided not to go with her for this trip because I REALLY have to work on my thesis.

Oh yes, speaking of school, there is hope yet! I got a call from the supervisor asking me to come see him today regarding the scholarship application. Apparently, he talked to “someone” in the scholarship committee about my situation and that person asked that I apply WITHOUT the dean’s signature. I was also asked to come out with a figure to propose to them.

So, after a discussion with Rob, I’ve decided that I’d ask for about RM700-RM800 a month as opposed to the RM1400 SOMEONE thought I wanted to scam. I am also wondering if this would include tuition fees. Are they going to pay me back for all the fees I fronted in the past year? Or will they just omit me from paying tuition fees from this semester onwards? Lots of questions to ask. It was a short phone call so I’ll get the details later today when I meet the supervisor.

I’m feeling rather tired but not sleepy. Had a hard time falling asleep because my tummy hurt, the kind that makes you feel bloated/gassy, know what I mean? I finally succumbed to taking a couple of painkillers. By then it was already 12.30am. I’m not exactly sure why my tummy hurts but I think it’s either gas or PMS. I’m leaning more towards gas because I don’t recall getting this kind of PMS before.

After dropping my mom off at the airport, dad and I went for a super ultra early breakfast at Carpenter Street for bak moi (pork meat porridge). I have to say it was nice to get some thing warm and hot into the gassy tummy. I felt better after that. Right now I’m waiting for the (Chinese) meds to kick in. The name of the meds is too long for me to remember. Heh.

Anyway, I’m gonna go make some coffee or something.

Sushi sushi sushi

May 15, 2007

The Japanese restaurant at Sarawak Plaza is having a promotion on California Maki priced at 20 cents each until tomorrow. When I found out about it, I did not think twice of going there for dinner. I also had a set of unagi sushi. In total, I ate 15 California Maki, 2 unagi sushi, some wakame, and some of my mom’s ramen noodles. Needless to say I was very full but strange enough by the time I got home, I didn’t feel it anymore. And yes, I can eat a lot if I want to, hence the body fat. Anyway, I think I’ll lay off the sushi for a while. Think I had too much. Hahaha.

Apparently, Meebo has launched some kinda chatroom thingy and I get my own chatroom for being a Meebo user. You can visit my chatroom here but it’s pretty quiet in there because I don’t have that many readers.

Moving along…

I watched Martha Stewart Show this morning (like EVERY WEEK DAY) and it was the wedding show!!! I can’t believe how excited I got. It’s weird. I got a couple decoration ideas for my future wedding. HEH I’ve decided that when I get married, I could do the decorations myself because it’ll be a simple small wedding of close family and friends and I can basically take care of it. I’m more into the simple elegant stuff, like fresh pink roses in little glass vases and candles floating in a glass bowl kinda thing. Nothing too complicated. I can even do the invitations myself. Plus, it’s a lot cheaper!

To be honest, I also kinda already know which dress I want. I was looking through wedding gowns on websites and found the one I fell in love with. Rob likes it too. =D It’ll just be a matter of time when I can try it on. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not having a wedding ceremony anytime soon but it’s always good to be prepared for the future. I just love talking about it with Rob. It’s nice talking about our future together. =D

Okay, enough blabbering. I’m going to continue working on the thesis.

P/S: I’m still on the lappy so no pictures yet.

Ouch, my ankle.

May 13, 2007

Happy Mother’s Day! Had dinner with the family at the Thai Restaurant at Lok Thian. Yummy spicy food but I shall face the consequences tomorrow morning when I sit on the white throne, if you get my drift. 😉

Last night I played badminton again and I woke up with sore muscles. As if that wasn’t enough I smacked the floor with my ass and twisted my ankle. Now my ASS hurts too.

Allow me to elaborate.

I was minding my own business after lunch, walking in the house. I peeked outside and it seemed sunny. For some stupid reason, I thought I’d go outside and look at my mom’s orchids and maybe take a picture or two. As my right foot stepped out onto a mat the damn thing slipped and I fell on my ass. In that split second I somehow managed to twist my ankle. When I got up, I realized that it was WET underneath the mat. $#!!@#!#$”$#!!@#!#$@

Damn suay (unlucky) lah.

I noticed that there aren’t any pictures in quite a while. I have an explanation, really I do. Using the lappy more now, I don’t have my digital pictures on it. I have to go on the tappy in order to upload pics. I’m trying to get used to typing on the lappy as the keyboards arrangement is a little different. Another thing, my mom has somewhat taken my tappy hostage (though not completely) to play Cake Mania. She’s pretty much addicted I think. Mostly I just find it quite a hassle to move laptops around so much. Unplugged the lappy, plug in the tappy to blog, unplug the tappy, plug in the lappy to write my research.

Also another reason for the lack of pictures is the fact that I haven’t been camwhoring lately. It’s not as fun to camwhore by yourself as it is with a bunch of good friends.

Anyway, I’m gonna take some painkillers for my ankle. I need to sleep good because according to the Martha Stewart Show I watched on Friday, this week’s show will be the wedding week! I MUST WATCH. *shrugging eyebrows* I hope it’s gonna show tomororw. *cross fingers*

I promise to post some pictures for your eyes soon. Ciao!

Hair removal don’ts 101 (Part 1)

May 11, 2007

Having a bad day?

Let me enlighten you with what just happened to me.

I am cursed with leg and armpit hair amongst other places. If you dont have leg or armpit hair, good for you and you’re an alien blessed. As for me, I have to go through the very often routine of getting rid of these pesky hair off my legs and armpits. Today was no different than any other. I woke up, made my breakfast and went about my morning until I look down at my legs and saw hair sticking out of my skin.

As such, I decided it was time to whipped out the hair removal cream. I applied the cream on one leg and realized the can was getting a little light for my liking. By the way, the hair removal cream is in a whipped-cream-can lookalike that you have to push down by the nuzzle to get the cream out. So when I moved on to the next leg a drop dyingly came out of the can. I’m screwed, I thought. I shook the can and there was NO sound. CRAP I’m outta hair removal cream. I pushed harder to get every single drop of cream left in the can and it still wasn’t enough. Five minutes later, I’m still trying to get more cream while the other leg goes into overtime with the cream. I’m only supposed to leave it on for 6-8 minutes. It started to burn a little.

I quickly washed it off and I have a nice hairless clean smooth leg. I look at my other leg with the little cream I had left and it started to burn a little too. I washed it off and it did nothing to the hair. Stubs of black wires hair was sticking out because I think the cream only managed to weaken the hair folicles or something. The hair just looked darker than usual.

Okay, I’ll just pull them out, I thought. Got the tweezers and yanked and “OWWWWWWWW!”. Okay…bad idea. I’ll call Rob and see if he has any ideas. I had no clue what I was thinking when I even thought to called him. Here’s how the conversation went:

R: Hello?
S: Hi honey, I have a situation here.
R: Ok…what’s wrong?
S: I ran out of hair removal cream.
R: Ok….?
S: No, I ran out of hair removal cream..
R: Ok, then go get a new one.
S: No…you don’t understand…
R: *concerned* What do you mean? What’s going on?
S: Let’s just say one leg is nice & smooth and the other is still hairy….
R: …
S: I look like a monster…
R: *starts laughing but tries to hide it*
S: You’re laughing at me!
R: No I’m not *snickers*
S: You just snickered!
R: So can I call you ‘whiskers’?
R: Ummm ok *laughs hysterically*
S: -_-“
R: Then go out and get some. Make sure you wear LONG pants.
S: !!!!!! You suck!
R: *laughs more* I’m gonna blog about this.
R: I will. This is too good.
S: You can’t! Cos I’m going to…
R: LOL *snort*

I couldn’t shave because my razor was blunt and a little rusty. I’ll get cuts. Yes, I’ve tried it before. In the end I managed to steal find a new disposable shaver from my dad’s cupboard.

Oh yes, the whole hair removal process took place in the bathroom. I have a basket of toiletries sitting on top of the toilet tank. As I was frantically searching for alternatives to get rid of the leg hair I knocked a couple of things into the toilet. Yes, you read that right…INTO THE TOILET. Fun fun fun. SIGH Luckily the toilet was flushed and “looked” clean but I took no chances and used a glove to pick up my things and threw them out.

With all that said, this is my shopping list for the week:

  1. Hair removal cream
  2. Razors
  3. Disposable shavers
  4. Toothbrush
  5. More hair removal cream

I’m left with hairy armpits. Not afraid to admit that, it’s only natural.

What a nice week I’m having.

P/S: I just got a text message from Rob. It reads: “How’s the leg crisis goin whiskers?” I’m never going to live this down…

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