Archive for August, 2005

Dinner at Buntal

August 27, 2005

Went to Buntal for Dinner on Tuesday. It was a fun night out. Here are some pictures to prove it…
We were hungry so we went crazy…Oooo! That rhymes. I’m a poet and I didn’t even know it. Heh

Linda’s coconut…not pun intended *giggles*

Hai som Soup!!! (Sea cucumber)
Stir fried clams

O-Chien (Fried oysters)

Piling Belacan

Onion chicken

*GASP* Where did all the food go???

Ummm I have no idea what were trying to do for this pic…

No, we weren’t attempting to imitate Charlie’s Angels

After dinner madness

Being silly on the way home

New addition to the family

August 26, 2005

Yeah, I know it hasn’t been long since Shadow died but my brother went and got a new dog a month or so ago. Let me introduce to you Leo the Troublemaker.

Leo says: I’m pooping. Leave me alone.

Leo says: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…a good poop always make me feel a lot better.

I was bored. So sue me =P

Graduation pics

August 20, 2005

Me before the ceremony

Me in the big screen going for a handshake *giggle*

Me and Jacy

Me and my classmates

Me and my mom

Me and my dad

Linda squashed in the middle by Fiona and I. She looks so happy about it too *teeheehee*

Attempting to throw our mortar boards like they do in movies

Attempt failed LOL (but it was a lot of fun trying)

My “degree” in that dark blue folder and a bouquet from the parents =D


August 15, 2005

Oooops I meant GRADUATION! =D

*sings* I gradu-ated I gradu-ated I gradu-ated I gradu-ated yesterday!!!

To all my friends; CONGRATULATIONS and God bless. We’ve done it!!!

The ceremony officially started at about 9am (though it was scheduled at 8) because the GUEST OF HONOR, the Chief Minister of Sarawak made a “fashionably late” appearence a quarter to 9. I was the first few from my faculty to go up and get the ‘degree’. That moment past by really fast. I will admit that I was a little nervous before going up. Thoughts like “What if I fall flat on my face?”, “What if I farted while getting my degree?”, “What if I tripped over myself and fall on the Chief Minister?” etc. But all was well. I didn’t do anything embarassing…I think. Heh

The ceremony ended at about 11.30 am. I took some pictures with the parents and then went home. About 4pm I went back with my robe and all that to take pics with Fiona as her ceremony was in the afternooon. I’ll post pictures later when I transfer them into my laptop.

At 7.30pm I went to Linda’s celebration dinner. Lots of good food and laughter. Thanks to Linda and her parents for the dinner.

For now, I’m going to get some shut eye as I was shorted on sleep last night.


August 12, 2005

Went to Bing! after graduation rehearsal this morning. Had spaghetti and I didn’t really like it. BLEH. It looked really good though but didn’t taste as much as expected. Or maybe it just didn’t hit my taste buds straight on. Oh well.

Took lotsa pictures there. Hehehe Yep, got myself a digital camera…FINALLY. It’s an Olympus FE-5500 and I totally love it! =D

Us (Pei Ee, Linda, Fiona & Me) at rehearsal

Girls (Linda, Pei Ee, Me & Fiona) at Bing!

*GASP* Who’s that staring at us?

You’re still staring…do you know it’s RUDE to stare?

Okay..stop staring or Fiona will attack you with her long LONG fingernails *GROWL*

Oooo is that Superman?


August 11, 2005

Whew, just got back from Kuching Food Fair. I ate so much I don’t think I can move right now *giggles* I’ll post the pics of the food we ate tomorrow or something. For now, I’m off to bed so I can wake up earlier tomorrow and get ready for my CONVOCATION rehearsal. I’m graduating on Sunday! WOOHOOOOOOOOOO!


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