Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Cheese anyone?

April 18, 2010

(Disclaimer: I think I am in one of those babbling sarcastic narcisistic self-contradictory mood. You have been warned.)

I cannot help myself.

This is probably one of the cheesiest songs ever but it’s OH SO ADORABLE and damn catchy.

I finally did a search for the music video on YouTube and after having watched it,  I still like the song (even though the music video is even cheesier than the song).

But…there’s a but.

The singer, Jason Castro (although pretty goodlooking and was a contestant in American Idol which I also just found out) has long dreadlocks. Now that’s all fine and dandy BUT (again), it is LONG. Like really long, like longer than my hair kinda long which is pretty long if you’ve seen me in person.

(Yes I know I’m doing that whole babbling thing.)

(I digress!)


So not only does he have long LONG hair, I bet if after some treatment and straightening thingy majig, he will look like a girl. I am serious.

I don’t think I’m that vain of a person but seriously, I don’t think I can handle dating a guy who could probably look ‘prettier’ than I am (as a girl). Seriously.

Okay I know I’m being vain. But I can’t help myself.

Turn tables around. Can a (straight) guy handle dating a girl that looks…oh well more macho than him? Say with a muscular body and deep voice and a visible Adam’s apple?

See, I thought so. 

I shall let you judge for yourself.

I still like the song though. Gonna make Rob dance with me to that song when he eventually comes to visit. Heh. 😀

Shifting soon

May 25, 2009

I’m moving to WordPress soon. This has been long overdue since the blog was started.

I really want to use the features. I’m also excited because I get to have a new template. I like my existing one but it’s hard to move it to WordPress with HTML and keep it exactly same. So what better reason do I need for a new template. I can’t wait to reveal!

Rob is setting me up and I’ve been playing with the colour scheme and header picture is next.

I will write again when the blog is ready to be moved. Stay tuned!

No title

March 13, 2009

Apologies for my month long absence. I have been enjoying my somewhat hiatus catching up on books, magazines, movies and TV shows. Not to mention a couple friends whom I have not hung out with in a while. It’s nice to hang out with old friends and reminisce about the good ol’ days to keep you grounded while reminding you of the person you really are.

At the same time I am still apprehensive of what’s to come. I am still waiting for my supervisor to get back to me but he is adamant in making sure I graduate. I can only cross my fingers and hope for the best.

Au revoir~

Resolutions for 2009

January 11, 2009

*Mini update. Didn’t have to pay for late registration, which wasn’t my fault (Refer to previous post) so that’s RM50 saved.*

And so I have decided to join the cliche of listing my resolutions for 2009, as I have for 2008. Here goes:-

1. Be less cynical (that means stop saying, “You suck, they suck, we all suck, we’re all gonna die anyway)
2. Be happier. Oh the sky is blue, the grass is green, roses are red, life is beautiful…yadda yadda yadda. This is so not working for me.
3. Be more content with my life (as in stop being so picky with everything).
4. Sweat not the small stuff. In laymen’s term, stop being bitchy.
5. Better camera and (PINK) mp3 player. *hint*hint* Any takers (or givers for that matter)?
6. Since it’s like a trend now, be more vain (but not ugly vain) which leads me to the next resolution…
7. Lose weight (so typical)

Last but certainly not least, my ultimate goal for 2009 is *drumroll please*

8. Graduate in August and get a job! (Like that one wasn’t obvious) If that happens, I get myself a DSLR and PINK mp3 player. I can’t count the times that I’ve said I wanted a DSLR for the longest time.

That’s about all I can come up with at the moment, because if I let loose and blabber away, you’ll be bored to death with China’s environmental protection laws and the challenges China faces towards a sustainable economic development in a globalised era of information technology and k-economy. (Try reading that in one breath, then try typing all that in one breath). Umm I’ll add more to the list as time goes by, if I’m not too lazy that is.

Okay, back to work. I’m so SO close. Wish me luck.

Au revoir.


August 31, 2008

Yes, I am back.

Yes, I am still alive.

My flight back was horrible. Don’t really feel like going into details right now. I am battling jetlag and still trying to adjust back to the timezone. I have been waking up at 4am since I got back. Don’t feel too great.

I miss Rob so much it literally hurts. Can’t count the number of times I cried. It sucks. And as you can tell I am “thrilled” to be home.

Don’t expect any updates until I get over this physical and emotional rollercoaster.

2 months to go

May 22, 2008

In exactly two months I will be in Rob’s arms, hugging him so tightly and not wanting to let go. As much as I would like to cling on to him for the remaining weeks of my visit there, it is impossible that I can/want to do that. I am not clinging on to him when he poops. 😛

I got confirmation on my travel dates yesterday and both Rob and I have been quite hyper and excited. We now have this chant that we do at the randomest (if there is such a word) time. It goes, “Shinnie’s coming to visit!” I swear it’s funny…at least for us. I know, we are a demented couple of nutjobs.

Finding a relatively cheap domestic flight to Chicago and back to Newark airport is a bitch. Not only are airfares a lot more expensive than a year ago, these airlines are charging for the second checked-in bag! What’s worse is that initially we thought going on American Airlines would be best in price and timing but now American Airlines is charging $15 for the FIRST checked bag and another $25 for the second one! Those money-sucking hounds!!! Other airlines make you do a stop and have a layover of about 2-3 hours. I hate waiting!!! So how now brown cow? *sigh*

I guess we just keep looking.

Oil prices have been increasing which means that petrol is getting more expensive in the States and pretty much everywhere in the world. We have talked about not doing the roadtrip that we planned though we both would really want to. Initially I have insisted on going on this roadtrip (the brat that I am) but after giving it some thought I realized that it really doesn’t matter where we go or what we do because as long as we’re together and enjoying each other’s company, that’s all that matters. I am keeping an open mind from now on.

I’m sending in my laptop back to HP tomorrow as the needed part has arrived. Let’s hope they don’t screw it up again this time. I’m crossing my fingers and toes.

Back to working on the thesis. (Wow, I actually wanna work on it voluntarily.)

Hello 2008

January 1, 2008

Goodbye 2007!!!

Happy New Year to all my reader(s)!

Birthday 2007: Part II

November 13, 2007

I was at work on my birthday and little did I know I would be surprised once again…with a beautiful bouquet of PINK roses!

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The culprits…





Jasmine and Carolyn.

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I really like this picture of them. It’s very candid and cute.

The funny about that morning was that I was busy decorating the Christmas tree and heard someone at the door. So without turning back, I said in general to the both of them, “There’s someone at the door!” I was told later that their initial plan was for me to get the door and see the bouquet. Attempt FAILED.

So I was still busy fussing over my artwork decorations until I heard a guy’s voice say my name. I then turned around and saw a beautiful bouquet of roses that could just melt your heart. I was quite speechless! All I could do was excitedly saying “What did you two do?!” over and over again while they both had silly grins on their face.

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Nature’s beauty

Soon enough I was busy preparing confetti for Fiona’s wedding…

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It was kinda fun. I got to put those biceps at work. HEH

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Anyway I had dinner with my family and friends later that night at Joyous Shanghai.

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Shark fin’s soup with crab meat and scallops

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Drunken chicken

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Breaded shrimp

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Huang Ti Mien (Emperor’s Noodles)

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Marinated mango Thai style

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MmmmmmmmmmMMMMmmmmm succulent ribs

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Just look at the glistenning juices…MMmmmmMMmm

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Thai style fish

Then came dessert…






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The pastry was OH-SO fluffy and crunchy. Absolutely mouth-watering thinking about it rght now.

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Another dessert…

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Water chestnut with coconut cream

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With wife-to-be Fiona

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Husband and wife to be, Moi, Carolyn

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With Mom and Dad and Aunt

It was a nice birthday dinner, with family and close friends. It would’ve been kinda nice to have some celebration with my other friends but I’ve concluded that it’s not neccessary to make a big-hoo-haa outta my birthday. I prefer quality time with quality people during my special day.

Overall, a very very nice birthday this year. Looking to a wonderful one again next year. 😀

Makeover pictures

November 6, 2007

Got the pictures back got the pictures back! *jumps in joy*

It only took like *counts* 2 months. 😛

Here are some samples.

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The wonders of makeup and Photoshop eh? In some pics I look kinda plastic.

Part of the package was 6 5R prints, touched up and all that stuff. The thing is I didn’t expect to get ALL the pictures in a CD, including the ones I didn’t choose. Now I can go print crazy.

I’m turning 25 in a day…I don’t know what to think of it…yet.

Cold feet

October 30, 2007

Currently sick with a cold. At least it feels like a cold for the moment. Colds I can handle, infections = argh. I got rained on yesterday and since then my feet have been cold. I have no idea why.

This morning I was awoken from deep slumber by a knock on my door…at 6am! Had to send dear ol’ dad to the airport. Came back and slept, well at least I tried to and I think I got another 20-30 minutes of shut-eye before I had to wake up and get ready for work.

I’m still busy with the thesis. The meeting with the professor was ok I guess. Lots of comments and feedback. He told me to redo certain parts of the chapter and to break it up into sub-chapters yadda yadda yadda stuff that I rather not bore you with. At the end of the meeting, he patted me on the shoulder and said “Shin Yi, if you’re mad at me for asking you to redo this chapter, it’s ok…” and he went on about how harder it was when he was doing his PHD. Something about spending 3 months working on a chapter and his supervisor told him to redo the whole thing cause it was just not usable. To that I told him “That’s why I won’t go further on for a PHD. I would go insane!”

Anyway I’m going to finish up the whole draft thesis before I look back on chapters and make changes/edits. Must keep my focus on current progress (like the constant sneezing is helping!). So with that said, the last thing I need is to be down with some kinda infection that would take weeks to recover. I must load myself with vitamin C and healthy stuff like that.

Most likely I won’t update much this week, so check back next week k?

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