
September 16, 2009

*I uploaded the pictures, pasted the html codes AND THEN FREAKING IE ENCOUNTERED AN ERROR AND IT SHUT DOWN!!! I had to copy paste the codes AGAIN! ^%$#@!*

As many of you already know, I graduated last month. The ceremony was LONGGGGGGG. I got to the university about 7am and the ceremony didn’t start til like 8.30 or so because we were waiting for VIPs. Speech after speech later, the ceremony ended at 12.30pm! It was a crazy hot day and I was sweating like pig underneath the pink(!) gown.

I’ve been asked how it feels to be graduated a couple times and I seriously don’t know how to answer that question. I’m at a loss for words to describe the feeling but it’s not because of happiness. I suppose the journey of reaching the finish line wasn’t what I expected it to be and so it took away from the excitement and happiness, I think? I don’t know. I haven’t quite figured it all out yet. If you follow my blog, you would have somewhat of an idea.

Anyway, I shall let the pictures complete the post.

Yours truly on the big screen

My mom took this pictures as I walked out of the hall

With the parents

Soupy my good friend and hubby came by bearing gifts!



With my favourite Soupy 😀

Somewhere in campus


Library behind us




The picture above is dedicated to Soupy. (Hi!!!! *waves*) I’m actually holding a pink stuffed toy octopus, a gift from Soupy. She gave  it to me simply because it’s PINK. :)) I’ve named the pink octopus Rosie because, well it’s pink, AND the name of the person who gave it to me is Rose. =))

With dirty Leo

This was taken after getting dolled up for studio pictures

For now, I’m not going to post up the pictures I had taken at the studio. I personally think that they Photoshop the pictures too much to the extent that I look plastic but it’s not that bad I suppose because it was pretty cheap. Hehe


The one person I had wished to be there is Rob, because he has helped me so much with my Postgraduate debacle but I guess we can’t always get what we want in life. Either way, I couldn’t have done it without out you baby. 😡 :-*

And now, I continue my job hunt!

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