Rainbow pills

November 20, 2008

I finally caved in and went to the doctor’s yesterday. I came home with an array of coloured meds. My favourite is, of course, the pink ones.

Yes, these are the meds that make me feel floaty. They really knocked me out unconscious 15 minutes or so after taking them. In fact, the dose I took around noon is still making me feel light-headed, even after I fell asleep for an hour.

A throat infection is what I have. I practically lost my voice and hardly ate (for my size ) in the last few days. Today I’m starting to get my appettite back and ate almost half of dinner, which is a good sign that I’m getting better.

Not only do I have a throat infection, I have been hit with the bloody curse, if you know what I mean. In addition to “battling” the worst sore throat EVER, I also have to deal with cramps, REALLY nasty cramps.

Oh what a fun week. Can’t wait to see what happens next week.


September 6, 2008

I woke up yesterday with a big (literally) shocker. It hurt to blink and I felt this intense pressure on my eyelid. My left eye was swollen, as if I had been punched. A closer look in the mirror, I realized that it was the eyelid that was puffy. It was so swollen that it even spooked me out. I rushed to the doctor’s. Apparently I have an infection under my eyelid. Oh what fun! *roll eyes*

Not only do I feel crappy now, I still miss Rob like crazy. 🙁

It feels different waking up to this room. I miss the place we stayed at. I miss the carpeted floor. I miss how close the bathroom was. I miss looking at the paintings in the room. I miss looking out the window. I even miss that ugly maroon red comforter on the bed.

The meds are kicking in, off to bed I go.

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