Kuching Food Fair Part 2

August 13, 2007

Went to the Kuching Food Fair again last night and ate like crazy (again). I wanted to go walk around in the garden display. Unfortunately the display is almost the same as last year’s and the year before that.

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Sio bees again

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Salad Yew Cha Kueh

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Food food food

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Fountain 1

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Fountain 2

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Fountain 3

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Fountain 4

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Fountain 5

Not too bad lah. But at the same time not spectacular, right? Or am I being to picky?

I’ve taken a liking into shirts with words lately. I bought a few when I was in the States. Here’s one:

The shirt says “I love desperate housewives”. I don’t really love the show but I don’t hate it either. I just thought the shirt looks good on me when I tried it on at Walmart. HEHEHEHE

Is it just me or are my posts getting boring every time? I have lots to say but I don’t know where to start or I just don’t think it’s a good idea to talk openly about certain things about certain people. =P

Anyway I gotta work tomorrow so I better get some sleep. Will try to come up with something blogworthy (I hope).

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