Size is just a number

June 25, 2009

I’m sure most Nuffnanggers received an email about MTV Asia’s blogger contest. I thought I’d throw in my two cents worth. I took the liberty of answering the question of “What are your views on plus-sized models?” since I can totally relate to it. Here’s what I wrote.

What do I think about plus-sized models? I think it’s fabulous that we bigger, gifted women/girls are being represented in such a skinny-stick-like industry called modelling. Unfortunately, the concept of plus-sized models is still not entirely accepted in many parts of Asia.

If taken literally plus size seems to have a positive connotation to it. “Plus” in other words is literally positive. Asia has yet to grasp the concept of “plus-sized”. Being full-figured/plus-sized/horizontally-challenged, I don’t at all feel the positivity of being a plus-sized person.

I read somewhere a while back ago that the average woman in the United States is a size 12. Here in Asia, those bigger than a size 8 are deemed “fat”, what more to say me – a size 16. It’s difficult to find fashionable clothes in my size, especially in this little city of Kuching I call home. Even if my sizes are available, most of them are either totally out of fashion, big and baggy and almost never compliments the body and/or are highly priced.

Would I wear a bikini and strut my stuff down the runway? Hell no…at least not at this precise moment. Don’t get me wrong I have my confidence but I don’t have that kind of confidence (yet) to be flaunting my mushroom-top-spare-tyre-overflowing-fat tummy to the world. So again, I ask myself, what do I think of plus-sized models? I think the idea of plus-sized models is fantastic. Yes modelling is about appearances but who is to judge what body size is beautiful. Beauty, as cliché as it sounds, is in the eyes of the beholder. Beauty is subjective. The fact that plus-sized models have the guts to strut down the runway with such great finesse and confidence alone makes them great role-models, especially for young women out there.

And like many other entries have pointed out, Cycle 10 winner of America’s Next Top Model is a plus-sized model. At least over there, plus-sized models are being accepted. Unfortunately I can’t say the same for Asia.

When will Asia embrace physical diversity?

You can also read the post here. If you like it, you’re welcome to rate it. If you don’t like it, well I suppose you have your right to give it the thumbs down. Whatever it is, thanks in advance for the feedback. 😀

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