Making pizza in Chicago

March 15, 2007

My stud muffin personally made me a pizza while I was in Chicago. A heart-shaped pizza at that. *smiles gleefully*

I shall let the pictures do the talking.

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I like how he folds the edges. Makes it look “pretty”. HEH

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A heart pizza for his sweetheart. (I am SO corny)

Then in goes the sauce.

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Spread it around as so.

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In goes the sausage. This is a specially ordered sausage. MUCH better than Pizza Hut.

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Me putting the pepperoni. Again, mucho better than Pizza Hut

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Juicy pineapple. Rob’s hands, not mine. I didn’t want to get my hands dirty. HEH

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Half onions

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Cheese, lots of cheese.

Goes into the oven for 15-20 minutes and…


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It was the best pizza I’ve ever had! Lots of sausage and pepperoni and pineapple and onions! Thinking about it now makes me drool. I think I’m gonna go snack on something. Heh

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