
December 1, 2008

So I thought I was getting better right? Boy, was I wrong. I actually felt a lot better for 2 days after my course of antibiotics. But then my throat started to get sore again on Friday.

By last night, I had a hard time sleeping cause I was coughing half the time and swallowing felt twice as bad as before. I didn’t want to take any chances of getting worse and once again lose precious time from sleeping or feeling floaty so I brought my ass to the doctor’s this morning.

He seemed surprised to see me. I explained that my throat felt better but two days after I was done with my medication, it started to act up again.

He looked through my chart and the first thing he asked me was “Have you been under a lot of stress lately?”

I answered, “Ermm……..yes….heh….” *paiseh (sheepish) smile*

He smiled, as if to indicate that that was the answer to my problems. He checked my temperature, which is normal (and probably the ONLY normal thing about me HAH!), throat and breathing, AND mentioned that my throat is red. I have relapsed.

And now I’m on higher doses of antibiotics, and floaty drugs meds (codeine crap) that will make me feel totally useless and like a pile of goo for the remaining of this week. I can already tell I won’t be getting much work done this week.


Now I’m going to go feel useless on my bed.

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