
June 21, 2009

I was going to do a post with pictures but Streamyx is f-ed up and I can’t upload pictures on Photobucket. Been having problems with loading websites and whatnot a lot lately. I have no idea what those idiots are doing. One day I can connect to the internet, by evening the modem doesn’t detect anything. At times I can’t even go on Facebook. PPPFFFTTTTTTT

Anyway, if you guys noticed I’ve added a couple of new things on the sidebars.

First is the chatbox/tagboard/whatever you call it. I’m using Shoutmix for the time being, until I find something better. Features that I prefer requires a premium PAID chatbox but I don’t see the need to pay for that service at this moment. It’s not like my blog is uber popular. So if you’re too lazy to leave a comment (which is moderated) you’re welcome to leave me a message on the Chatbox. Thanks! 😀

Secondly I’ve jumped on the bandwagon of Twittering. You can “follow” me on the left sidebar or go here. Initially I had some problems updating via my mobile phone but it worked eventually. I suppose it takes Twitter a while to finally register my number in their system. So far Rob is the only one following me and I really don’t expect anymore but it’s just fun to play around with this new thingy (wow I am so eloquent tonight). Anybody is welcome to follow me although my life isn’t as exciting as most.

In a totally different subject, I watched a really vulgar crude movie the other day. It’s called My Best Friend’s Girl. It’s really BAD but in a good way. The crude dirty dialogue was absolutely hilarious, if you’re into that kinda humour. To be honest I wasn’t at all that into that kinda humour before, but after watching Tropic Thunder (highly recommended bu Rob’s brother) with Rob and his dad, I learned to appreciate sexually vulgar humour. =))

Let me give quote some examples:
Scene: A mother was lamenting how old she felt because her daughter was getting married.
Guy: I bet back in the day you were one hot slice of fuckberry pie.
Mother: You bet your sweet ass I was.

Scene: Guy picks up girl at house for a date. Girl’s room mate opens the door.
Girl: She’s my room mate.
Guy: I bet she gives great head.

Scene: Guy commenting about friend’s hair.
Guy: Look at me. You look like Chewbacca and Sasquatch had a baby, and that baby took a shit, and that shit was blinded in a knife fight moments before styling your hair.

Yes, Guy is an absolute asshole. That was the whole point of the movie. LOL I’m sorry if you find them offensive but lighten up, it’s suppose to be funny! And if you don’t find it funny, I think you should watch the movie. It’s HILARIOUS.

Nothing will ever make me forget Tom Cruise’s role in Tropic Thunder when he said: “Now I want you to take a step back… and literally fuck your own face!”

Okay, I better call it a night before I quote more vulgar dialogues. Night y’all!

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