Sick again

March 27, 2008

I have been sick for the last few days. Hence the lack of updates.

I am quite amaze how often I get sick nowadays considering I only get sick at the most, twice a year when I was in my early twenties. I suppose the amount of stress you get as you get older tends to somewhat lower your immune system.

I blame stress and tension of the thesis and just life in general…

Headaches, actually more like migraines above the eyes…
Fatigue and bodyaches…
Chills and sweat by nightfall…
Coughing and tons of sniffling

Classic symptons of the common cold I pressume?

My nose is congested, causing aches all the way up the bone of the nose and up my forehead. Not the first time though. My doctor told me before its just pressure building from the congestion. Add to that I’ve been downing painkillers like candy. I’m almost out.

In the midst of all of that, I still managed to drag my ass to work this week. I still worked on my thesis, albeit in between I feel the need to curl up on the bed and close my eyes due to headaches and just plain not feeling good. Behold the power of (unhealthy) determination?

Even right now as I type I’m forming a sweat on my forehead and my head feels like it’s about to explode. I better get some more rest.

One response to “Sick again”

  1. ee says:

    I agree wif u that the amount of stress you get as you get older tends to somewhat lower your immune system. Very easy to get sick…take care, my fren

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