Education education education…

November 24, 2004

Last semester at school, still so much to do. Classes and assignments are pouring in. I often wonder if doing exceptionally good at school would determine your future. Perhaps in a way or two it might or will. I will honestly say that there was a point in my life I thought that doing good in school was the most important responsibility for a student. But as I grow I realize that that is not the case.

My mentor told me today that he wants to see me in the dean’s list for this last semester. I just smiled and nodded, signalling that I’d try my best. Yes, it’s good to have a goal. It’s good to excel in school. It’s good to be knowledgeable. Personally, ones education level or achievement says nothing about who a person is other than how good he or she is in studying. Your friends need not be geniuses. Your boyfriend/girlfriend does not need to be the top in his/her class to make you happy. Your husband/wife does not need to have a great earning job to complete you. Sure, having an education is a plus, I won’t deny that but it is not the aspect that determines your life, your happiness.

Life isn’t about studying and getting good grades. At the same time, I’m not pushing away the fact that education is important. Life isn’t about having a lot of money. It’s about experiencing. It’s about being happy, getting hurt, falling down and getting up and trying again. Life is too short to spend it worrying about minor details.

One response to “Education education education…”

  1. ~FiOn~ says:

    Hmmmm..wat can i say more?? u r just so right…keep it up, gal….u really grow up liaw!!! Anyway, hope to c u in dean’s list this sem.. U can do it!!

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