March 14, 2005
Finals start tomorrow and I’m sitting here BORED outta my mind. Yes I know I SHOULD be studying but somehow I am not at all drawn to textbooks and lecture notes and articles. I think I’m starting to get ANXIOUS of finishing school heh But somehow I get the feeling I’ll miss the insanity and stress of school once I’m done. Figures huh? Humans, can’t ever satisfy them lol
I have four exams to sit for. Two this week and the remaining two next week. CAN’T WAIT TO FINISH!!!
Yeah I’m having coffee which explains why I’m all hyper and stuff LOL *looks at the coffee cup* Well it’s more like a MUG..a big mug of coffee = I should go study shouldn’t I? Oh fine, I’m going but I won’t promise that I won’t be back. *smirk* =>
Oh yes, before I forget; Wishing those who are sitting for finals all the best and good luck. Stress not, giggle more. Heh
Good luck fr ur finals… I have one on this Friday, one on another coming Monday and two on Tuesday. Cant wait to finish too! :)After that we are free! Gambateh!
Oh absolutely FREE! Hehehehehe Wanna sit around and RELAX for a while too. Good luck for your finals too! =D