2003 – 2004: Second Year Student

May 2, 2005

Some of you might be thinking “About time” as you read this. I just haven’t had the concentration to sit down and put my memories of my second year into words. So now I shall attempt to do that. Please fasten your seatbelts.

Second year at uni. It was quite different from when I was in the first year. I had a car and drove to class every single day, sometimes I’d go back in between classes as I had nothing else to do plus I was alone most of the time. I would say that my experiences as a second year student changed the person I used to be. From someone who hated eating alone and doing most things alone, I grew to accept the circumstances of eating, going to class, seeing lecturers, doing assignments (even though it was a pair work) etc alone. Heck, I even started going to gym myself when the year prior to that I refused to go. I actually enjoyed being alone sometimes. I liked the feeling of being able to eat when I want, go where I want. But on the downside is the fact that when something amuses me and I so much as smile, people will look at me as if I’m NUTS! Who am I kidding??? I AM NUTS.

Not much exciting news during my second year, other than adapting to the new environment of me being by myself most of the time. It was fun at one point as I got used to it. I remembered being sick on Valentine’s Day, which fell on a Saturday, and one of my lecturers organized a day trip to the public swimming pool with some special children. Being sick, I had to skip it. Nothing worse then getting wet and cold when you already have a cold, add to the fact I puked the night before. Heh Honestly, I was glad I didn’t go because it was Valentine’s Day and I wanted to spend it all with Robbie. I know it’s selfish to say that but add to the fact that I was sick, it even made more sense not to attend. I’m only human. =D

Oh look at the time. It’s TV time. I’m outta here! *poof*

2 responses to “2003 – 2004: Second Year Student”

  1. ~FiOn~ says:

    same here…didnt go to open air for quite a long time..as you mentioned your dinner, I missed the food too!! Hehe..me and my bf were there most of the time about 3 years ago! missed the curry squids (yummy) and other dishes…oh ya, the ‘sio bee’ and soya bean…yum yum
    god you make me hungry now….

  2. ~FiOn~ says:

    opppsss…looks like I posted my comment at wrong place…hehe

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