Short post…
July 9, 2005
I’ve always thought teaching was an easy job. Boy, was I wrong. Add the fact that students continue to annoy and irritate me day in day out. In fact, some PISS ME OFF some days. UGH! Teenagers are such a pain in my BIG FAT ASS!
This weekend is the RainForest concert/festival thingy again. I missed it again. I hear it’s a great event to attend..lots of fun but I just never got to wanting to go for some reason. Oh well…maybe next year. *snickers*
I’m tired…bed time *thud*
You shouldnt miss it next year!! we will go together and shake our big fat ass off ok? hahahaha problem! By the way my ass isn’t FAT…yes I’m still dreaming. =P
Some said this rainforest would be the last to be held in Kuching..not sure bout it too…hope its not…