August 15, 2005
Oooops I meant GRADUATION! =D
*sings* I gradu-ated I gradu-ated I gradu-ated I gradu-ated yesterday!!!
To all my friends; CONGRATULATIONS and God bless. We’ve done it!!!
The ceremony officially started at about 9am (though it was scheduled at 8) because the GUEST OF HONOR, the Chief Minister of Sarawak made a “fashionably late” appearence a quarter to 9. I was the first few from my faculty to go up and get the ‘degree’. That moment past by really fast. I will admit that I was a little nervous before going up. Thoughts like “What if I fall flat on my face?”, “What if I farted while getting my degree?”, “What if I tripped over myself and fall on the Chief Minister?” etc. But all was well. I didn’t do anything embarassing…I think. Heh
The ceremony ended at about 11.30 am. I took some pictures with the parents and then went home. About 4pm I went back with my robe and all that to take pics with Fiona as her ceremony was in the afternooon. I’ll post pictures later when I transfer them into my laptop.
At 7.30pm I went to Linda’s celebration dinner. Lots of good food and laughter. Thanks to Linda and her parents for the dinner.
For now, I’m going to get some shut eye as I was shorted on sleep last night.
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