Look what I’ve got in the mail!!

June 28, 2006

Okay, okay I didn’t get anything in the mail but I did get something! Something VERY special from my HONEY. =D

What is it, you ask?

Well, my Robbie, my soulmate did one of the most sweetest things for me yesterday.

It has been a rough year for both of us ever since he left for home. I’ve been stressed out with school for a while and at times took out my frustration on him. I feel very bad for that. We have had our shares of disagreements and arguments. But I have a feeling things will be better for us now that I’ve shared my frustrations with him. Talking really does help in EVERY relationship. Keep that in mind people! Don’t hide your feelings. (Well at least, the important ones.)

Anyway, back to the story. Rob made a video for me and it brought tears to my eyes as I watched it. It might not do the same for other people but the video meant a lot to me LAH because I knew what each picture represented. It was done with so much love and I truly appreaciate it. Thank you so very much Robbie. You are the best thing in my life.

I’ve watched the video countless times and everytime I watch it, I get goosebumps because it touches my heart everytime. I’m typing this as it’s uploading on my YouTube. Hopefully, it’ll work and play.

But before you click the “play” button, here are a few friendly warnings:

  1. If you hate me, DO NOT watch it.
  2. If you think I am hurrendously ugly, DO NOT watch it. You will understand why IF you click “play”.
  3. If you are NOT into mushyness and lovey-dovey stuff, DO NOT watch it. Then again, this blog is filled with mushyness, so I would say: don’t come back if you are not into mushyness-lah. =P
  4. I won’t be responsible if you get sick half way and puke all over your keyboard IF you decide to watch it.

Now that we have all that cleared out, you’re welcome to click “Play” if you choose to do so.

Okay, now that you watched it, I’m sure most of you are running for the toilet puking your brains out. I know, I know. Pictures OVERLOAD right? HAHAHAHAHA

Isn’t the song nice? I love it so much! That’s such a perfect song. I mean I didn’t know there was a song out there called “My Asian Girl” and I as an Asian girl feel special because of it. I keep playing the song over and OVER and OVER again.

Some of you might be thinking “CEH SHOW OFF!” or “YUCK SO DISGUSTING!” or “EWWWWW” or “Like that also need to post out meh??” etc but that’s okay cause Robbie made the video JUST for me and I’m totally happy with it! =D Thank you honey! *smoochies* Besides, I DID WARN YOU. =)

Last note: I love you Robbie. Thank you for always making me feel special and filling my life with so much happiness.

P/S: I don’t think I am beautiful. This post is meant to show how wonderful my Robbie is, so LIGHTEN UP people!

2 responses to “Look what I’ve got in the mail!!”

  1. fiona says:

    so sweet…hehe, I nvr know theres a song called “My Asian Girl”…hehe

  2. Shin says:

    Yeah it is very sweet. I melted. HAHAHA and also, I never knew such a song existed. You learn new things everyday eh? 😉

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