Shoes shoes shoes

August 30, 2006

Anyone who knows me fairly well knows I am crazy about shoes. I was not like this as a teenager. I would always grumble in annoyance when my mom was at the mall (especially ones in KL or Sydney) spending hours looking at shoes, trying them on and in the end not buying any. It just drove me totally insane.

Sadly (being sarcastic) to say, now I have become a lot like my mom in the shoe department. I get kicks from getting a bargain on shoes when stores are offering a good price. I get double the excitement when the shoes are in the style I like AND comfortable!

Note: when I say shoes, I mean everything, from heels to flats to sneakers to loafers to flipflops.

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Dark brown wedges I bought from Payless Shoes Sydney and comfy!

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Flat ballet shoes from Target Australia. Extremely comfy for walking aimlessly in the mall. Hehehe

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This pair I bought from Vinci in KL early last year. It was on sale for RM17+ after a 70% discount. It’s one size bigger though cause my size ran out but I bought it anyway because I totally fell in love with it! Originally, it came with burgundy and pink ribbons. I bought silverish and blue ribbons to substitute them for my cousin’s wedding because my dress was baby blue and silverish lace. What a great bargain! Too bad I don’t get to use it often. 🙁

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This is probably my favorite pair of wedge espadrilles I’ll ever own. I saw the exact same pattern in May or June’s Cleo this year. It was green and by Sketchers for over RM150 if I remember correctly. I bought it in January from Country Road in Australia but I already saw it in early 2005 in the same store.

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Normal heels for casual wear. Bought them for less than RM20 each during Upwell’s closing down sale.

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My “Power” by Bata sneakers for casual use.

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Flat slippers I normally use when I go to dinner with my parents.

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My nice black heels that goes with EVERY outfit. I save it for special occasions.

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My Nike sneakers and the most expensive pair of shoes I ever bought at RM125 during sale. 50% off! Specially reserved for the gym.

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Flipflops by SuzanneGrae from Australia. Cost me AU$3. Isn’t that cheap?!

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Fila flipflops…that I snatched off someone, remember???

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Old navy wedge flipflops. The punctured holes you see are courtesy of my dog Leo. That little bastard!

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This pair of sneakers are cool looking. I like wearing them during trips! It’s made of synthetic rubber and is see through so the shoes changes shades according to my colored socks!

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To show you how crazy my mom and I are about shoes, these are just SOME of the boxes we saved up from our shoe-buying adventures. Hehehe

While I was looking for some of my shoes, I realized that I can’t find them. I remembered the last time I wore them, I left them outside on the shoe rack. I think they got stolen. %$#@!! Damn those people!

Guys reading this will be thinking “GEEZ GIRLS AND SHOES! IT NEVER ENDS.” My respond to that, wait til we start getting crazy over jewelry, PARTICULARLY diamonds. 😛 So boys, bear with us, for now.

2 responses to “Shoes shoes shoes”

  1. Robert says:

    Shoe junkie shoe junkie shoe junkie! HEH

  2. Shin says:

    That I am 😀

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