Holy CRAPsicle
September 6, 2006
I cannot believe this!!!!
A closer look:
No I’m not making this up. It’s really REAL. Check it out here.
So I almost crapped myself when I found out that I was in the final nominees. Never in my wildest dreams have I thought I would get into this list! I found out this afternoon when I was blog surfing.
HOLY %$#@!*@
This is Rob’s fault. A few months ago he found out about this nomination thing and being the sweetie he is, he put my blog up for ‘consideration’ because in his opinion: “I love your blog baby” or something to that effect, you get what I mean. I thought it was such a nice and sweet thing for him to do but we both knew that it was just for fun. I mean, almost NO ONE reads my blog. Only people who know me personally read it, I think. So he submitted my blog and we both laughed and forgot about it totally…..until today.
I’m still in shock to be honest. Seriously I don’t think I am worthy to be in the 10 listed nominees for Best Malaysia Blog. Come on lah!!! I’m not even known in Kuching, let alone the whole freaking country! What were the judges thinking?!?!
At the same time, I am deeply honored to be put in such a par with the other nominated bloggers. *tears up* Each blogger has their own different styles of writing and discuss a wide variety of issues. I like them all, from current issues to normal daily life. Do check them out!
TV Smith’s Dua Sen
Special thanks to Robbie (the sweetie he is) for nominating me (or getting me in trouble, whichever you prefer) in the first place even though it was for fun and the judges for well…choosing my blog to be one of the final 10 nominees!
OMG OMG OMG I’m so extremely happy about this.
hey, congrats! you’re in the list. =) you should be proud woman.
thanks very much! =D