I’m back

September 21, 2006

I’m back from my visa interview and I got it!!!! YAY *does the Snoopy dance* Now it’s looking even better for me to go see my honey. =D

The interview wasn’t exactly what I expected though. I expected being interviewed in a room, away from everyone else. Turns out it’s just an officer over the counter asking you questions on your intentions of visiting the US and what you do blah blah blah. Just very trivial things to be honest.

I was almost late for the interview because the stupid plane to KL was delayed due to ignorance of the construction workers who were doing the rennovation at the airport. They left some junk on the runway!!! How stupid is that???

So by the time I got to KLIA, the earliest transit train to Bandar Tasik Selatan was in 30 minutes! I was SO nervous at that point. By the time I got to Bandar Tasik Selatan station where I was meeting my cousin who was going to drive me and my mom to the embassy, it was already 8.55am!! My interview was scheduled at 9.20am.

Surprise surprise, on the way to the embassy there was TRAFFIC JAM!!!!! Inside my head I was going “OMG OMG OMG OMG WE ARE GOIN TO BE LATE!!!!!”

Fortunately, we reached the front gate of the embassy at EXACTLY 9.20 and the security guard let us in. WHEW. That was SO close.

The visa is good til 2016. =D We haven’t decided exactly decided when to head to the US though but would love to attend cousin’s wedding ceremony in New York on October 1st. I’m looking at leaving on the 28th and coming back 20th October but nothing is written on paper yet as it depends on availability and flight schedules. I really wanna go see my Robbie!!!! It’s been WAY too long. We need to SNUGGLE!

Back to the visa story, we had to wait for an hour before it was our turn. When that was done, my mom and I walked to KLCC and did some turbo shopping before taking the LRT to KL Central to catch the KLIA Transit back to the airport to come back home. I didn’t bring my digital camera with me because it’s not allowed in the embassy but thank God for camera phones! =D Not too good of a quality but at least I caught a nice shot of the Twin Towers, don’t you think so?

4 responses to “I’m back”

  1. fiona says:

    Remember get sth good for me from US…I want US made product….hehe

  2. Sharon says:

    just wondering how much do you have to pay for the visa? coz i would like to get one too 🙂

  3. Shin says:

    Hey Sharon,

    The visa application fee is RM380. A word of advice, you better apply earlier before your planned holiday. Last minute= big no no. I learnt my lesson. Heheh

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