This and that
December 8, 2006
Last Sunday, I sneaked to a dog show at Kenyalang Park. It started at 9 am but when I got there (at 12.30pm) it was prize giving already. (hehehe)
Didn’t get to take a lot of pictures of the cute doggies too.
BUT, I did get a pic of these beautiful dogs…
Another Goldie, smilling at me. How sweet! I want one now!!!
Rottweiler…reminds me of my Shadow who died a couple years ago. Damn thieves poisoned him.
This is Chi Ling, Linda’s dog. No she wasn’t in the dog show. I just thought it was appropriate that her picture be here, since earlier pictures were of dogs. Hehehe
A bunch of us has a little part thingy at Linda’s house (where I took a picture of Chi Ling) on Wednesday night for 2 birthdays (Allen’s and Mag’s) and a farewell (Fang, she left to go back to Sibu).
Yours truly and Fiona, camwhoring (as always)
Making a wish and blowing the candles
Min Chiat has the look of determination as he eyes the biggest piece of cake
But, Sien Fah beats him to it and gets the biggest piece, then eats it ever-so-happily. Can you see the smile of contentment on his face? (Yes, the same guy that annihilated my birthday cake)
I forgot to charge my camera so it ran out of power not too long after taking some pictures. Most of the pics are with Linda so hopefully I’ll post em up before I leave if I get it in time (6 more days!!!).
The next day, we got sneaky. We found out that the farewell girl was going to be at a certain place for breakfast before driving back to Sibu.
We ambushed her at the place she was eating. Granted, we got there before she did so it was quite entertaining to see the shocked look on her face. After we ate, as always…
We camwhored one last time with her….
After breakfast and Fang had left, the remaining three of us went window shopping. I wanted to get something for someone for Christmas. *wink* Couldn’t find what I wanted so I’ll have to keep searching.
Well, Rob just got online.
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