New York Part 2: Times Square & Rockefeller Center

January 16, 2007

I left a pair of B.U.M Equiptment socks in Chicago and apparently Rob washed them and is now wearing them. He likes them a lot. Here’s a little conversation I had with Rob this afternoon..

Rob: I am piggy bum bum, wearing bum bum shinnie socks
R: you gonna tell the world I wore your socks?
Shin: why not?
R: im doomed
S: i think its cute
R: they good socks…
R: you cwazy for leavin em
R: i wish all my socks were this comfortable
S: if i knew you’d love em that much i would have brought more to give you
R: oh god… your gonna use my statements in blog
S: yeah they’re priceless *yahoo smug face smiley*
R: well I cant help it damnit…. i like the socks!
S: *copy paste* *yahoo smug face smiley*
R: i gave you some of my socks
R: this only applies to socks… not underwear or bras!
S: keep talking honey *yahoo big smile smiley*
R: KNOCK IT OFF ROB! *yahoo beat-up smiley*

And then he shut up. HEH

Pointless? Well, it may be to some of you but for me it’s funny. Kinda like an inside joke so I don’t expect anyone to get it. Hehe


Times Squares needs no introduction. The place to hang out EVERY New Year’s Eve, Times Square is busy everyday of the year. Then again, most of New York City is hustling and bustling everyday of the week, every minute of the day.

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I don’t know if you watched the live telecast of this year’s New Year’s Eve celebration on tv but I was just in awe when I saw it on TV in Chicago. There were over a million people flocking the streets counting down to 2007. From what I could tell, it was the most happening place on earth!

The lights in Times Square alone are bright enough to lit up the whole of Kuching. I am not kidding.

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Times Square minus the 1 million people, 2 weeks before New Year.

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Big departmental stores like Macy’s had beautifully decorated window displays for Christmas. Each window display tells a story and is made with so much detail. Some of the displays are electronically operated and moves like puppets.

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This one is the giant dog from The Neverending Story, right?

People actually queued up and spent time reading the text explaining the display. I didn’t bother doing that as the line was really long. It was SO crowded that a lot of my pictures were “spoilt” by humans.

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Picture spoilt by this lady. Such a garang (fierce) face.

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Another picture spoilt. No clue what that lady is peeking at.

Rockefeller Center is about 5 minutes walk from Times Square. Remember I talked about the X’mas Tree from Home Alone 2? This is the one…

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I was lucky enough to catch some sort of a projection show when I got to the Rockefeller Center. Lights of snowflakes were projected onto a building while music plays in the background.

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Sorry for the lack of words in this post. I have to make this post a quick one as I need to prepare for my meeting with the supervisor tomorrow about my presentation next week. ACCKK!!! More pictures to come. Til then take care!

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