Ant killer
April 29, 2007
I played badminton last night and have been since a few months ago. Right now I’m paying the price. My muscles ache from head to toe. It’s strange though considering I’ve been playing with the gang almost every week and had not have this problem. Maybe I overdid it last night for playing too long at once.
Also, for some reason I have not been feeling so good ever since. I have a slight headache enough to bother me. I woke up this morning with a burning feeling in my throat and I get waves of nausea once in a while. I have no clue what is going on. I hope I’m not getting sick as I have lots to do. *cross fingers*
I managed to stay away from playing Cake Mania since I last blogged by not using the taptop, which is where the game is installed in.
On a random note, ants (yes the little pesky bugs) are driving me insane. I never used to be bothered that much by them but now they are really pissing me off. I will have a cup of water sitting on my table and a couple hours later, there’re like 6 of them little bastards in my water! WHAT DO ANTS WANT WITH WATER?!?!?! I see one crawling about on my table right now and I just reached over and squash it with my fingers. They’re everywhere! I hate them!GERAMNYA!!!! To be so disturbed and annoyed by something as tiny as an ant really says a lot about my patience eh? Hahaha But to be brutally honest, I can endure some pretty dramatic things, little did you know. 😉
Tuesday and Wednesday are public holidays, what have you got planned?
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