This and that
July 18, 2007
Chapter 3 is about half done and I’m hoping to email it in by the end of the week.
I’m suddenly reminded of the time I was in Chinatown with Rob during my visit to Chicago. I was craving for dim sum and we decided on a restaurant by researching online. There I was trying to order with my limited Cantonese vocabulary as I tried to get the waitresses’ attention by calling out “leng lui” (pretty girl). Sentences like “Ni you har kau mo? No no, har kau. Har kau har kau. Shrimp dumpling! HAR KAU” or “Siew mai” or “Lo mei kai” etc as Rob stared on as if he was watching tv.
Speaking of Chinese, here’s a partial conversation I had with Rob months ago that I just recalled.
In a bratty weird somewhat vain mood…
Shin: I am Princess Shinnie *in all my brat glory*
Rob: *like he’s not paying attention* So like a Chinese princess?
Shin: *decided to change my mind* More like a Chinese empress *evil laugh*
And suddenly he was paying attention..
Rob: Ok…
Shin: What???
Rob: Ummm the plunger is your scepter with the ruby colored Swarovski crystal on top, making it the royal ruby scepter plunger and the toilet is your throne.
Shin: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rob: *laughs maniacally*
After some few minutes of me saying “YOU SUCK!” to him and him laughing oh-so loud at my expense…
Rob: I am emperor monkey.
Shin: Yeah, and your white throne is full of shit. LITERALLY. *ROFL*
Rob: !!!!!
Shin: Your name is King Potty and you’re the ruler of Doo–Doo Land.
Rob: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope you guys get it.
If you didn’t, just think about how weird we are and laugh about it. =D
Okay, enough weirdness. Back to the thesis.
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