Of donuts and muffins

July 31, 2007

I couldn’t get online with DSL most of yesterday until around 5pm or so. I did manage to get a dial tone on my phone line yesterday morning, only it wasn’t my phone line. You see, the technicians screwed up and plugged my line onto someone else’s line. Some guy called and insisted that it was his house that he called. After talking a few minutes we both came to the conclusion that the technician “misplaced” some wires; his phone line to mine and mine to his (I don’t know what they call it ok? Hubs or something perhaps?). I called my number and it rang, the problem was my phone did NOT ring. I bet it was ringing at that guy’s house.

I called the local helpline so many times and the lady told me a few times she would check and call me back, only she NEVER called me back. She did call to check if the phone lines were finally correct or not. One thing though, I feel it’s much more efficient to talk to the local operators than the main call center somewhere in KL (I’m guessing) who really don’t care.

Ok I do not want to talk about it lah, pisses me off when I think about it, amongst other things which I will not go into detail in this post. Maybe my next post.

Anyway I was in KL-Genting on Sunday with the parents who had the itch to “gamble”. By gamble I mean we sit around and play the slot machines. We won some money. I lost at first and started getting a little grumpy but eventually I won my money back and then some more. It was a lot of fun! 😀

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Monkeys hanging around First World Hotel

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LOVE this picture. Such a beautiful view

Before heading to the airport to come back, we made a pit stop at Petaling Street for some food. We ate Wantan Mee, Gu Bak Beehoon and Tofu Fa. I was too busy eating to take pictures lah. It was so crowded there being Sunday and all. Had to squeeze our way out.

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See all those people?

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Bought donuts and muffins at KL Central before taking KLIA Express to the airport. Dunkin Donuts’ Bavarian and Famous Amos’ Rocky Road and Banana Nut muffin.

Bavarian donut and Rocky Road muffin

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Yummy Banana Nut muffin

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Mmmmmm look at the sugar icing

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Crunchy almond topping

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Oh-so-heavenly Bavarian creme filling…

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Want a bite?

Gonna start working on Chapter 4 this week and hopefully hand it in before the end of August. Wish me luck! 😀

2 responses to “Of donuts and muffins”

  1. Cherie Morwena Voon Fen-Fung says:

    eh eh…. ur chapter 4!!! congrats!

  2. Shin says:

    Yep, working on it now 😛

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