Kuching Food Fair

August 7, 2007

Getting the feeling that I’m falling sick, with a scratchy throat and cough. I’ve been sneezing a lot too. Not a good time to get sick, then again there is NEVER a good time to get sick. DUH! 😛

I bumped into my supervisor at Choice Daily earlier. When he saw me, he hid his face with the shopping basket and said he’s ashamed of himself for not getting back to me yet. LOL For the first time, he’s not hassling me for work. Instead, he owes me feedback for two chapters. I like this feeling. 😀

I must continue to work hard for the remaining half of the madness AKA the thesis. Wish me luck!


I’ve been eating a lot in the past week or so. I’m feeling very FAT and bloated.

Last Friday I went to the annual Kuching Festival Food Fair with a couple of friends and ate like crazy. Food variety remains pretty much the same like every year but somehow Kuchingites flock the Dewan Masyarakat like crazy. I suppose us Kuching folks are the “kiasu” (never-lose-out) type. HEHEHE

And like every year, I go for the Taiwanese sausages and sio bees (dumplings). I ate two sticks of Taiwan sausages and handful of sio bees, not to forget the grilled fish and sotong (calamari).

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Meat dumplings

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All the different sio bees

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Taiwanese sausages

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Fried sesame chicken cracker

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Crunchy on the outside, juicy in the inside.

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Grilled sotong (YUM) and a dumpling in the corner

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Grilled stingray with sambal

After the food fair, we jumped into the car and drove towards Kuching Airport for Starbucks. We parked pretty far from the food fair so by the time we reached the car, the evil food in us were digested. 😛 (Yes, an excuse to justigfy pigging out)

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Our drinks, thanks to the generous Carolyn for buying. =D

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Black forest = YUMMY

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I can almost taste it…UGH I wanna bite lappy’s screen

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Check out my XXXXXL arms earring

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I think I can be a Starbucks ambassador =D

I’m going to sleep early tonight. Better get some rest in case I’m really getting sick.

P/S: I love you Robbie and I miss you like crazy *hugs* (Just because I felt like saying it)

2 responses to “Kuching Food Fair”

  1. Fionz says:

    Aduh…lau nua la…hahaha yum yum must go next time kok!

  2. Shin says:

    YES! We must go again! But give me some time to recover first ok? HAHAHA yummy yummy food

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