Birthday 2007: Part I
November 10, 2007
November 4th 2007
My birthday celebration this year started as early as Sunday (4/11) at Merdeka Palace’s Ristorante Beccari. The reason why we celebrated early was to go have dinner at the Great Sunday Buffet, which consists mostly of Italian food and some Japanese and TONS of desserts.
Carolyn organized such a nice time for both Fiona and I. Everything was so well thought out and went smoothly. She even surprised us with gifts, flowers and cakes, one cake for each of us. It was very nice of her to go through all the trouble in making sure the night went on perfectly. She even decorated my cake herself! Am so touched!
I think this is the first time Fiona and I celebrated our birthday together. Being just 9 days apart, we figured we might as well go for a nice dinner and indulge ourselves with sinful food.
Enjoy the GIGANTIC amount of pictures!
(Maybe you should go get a drink of water or something and come back to view the pictures?)
Gifts awaiting us at the table
Bodyshop products! Shower gel and body lotion
I had this plan of going for the dessert table first in case they ran out.
Something funny happened as I was busy getting tiramisu, one each for each of us. That means 3 pieces of tiramisu, as shown below. So I plopped the three pieces onto a plate while the other two girls were looking at me with wide-eyes and giggling. I was like “What?? One each lah!” and Carolyn proceeded to giggle.
Little did I know, it was actually SIX pieces together. There were 6 square pieces of tiramisu, as oppose to the 3 rectagular pieces I initially thought. In the end, the girls had one piece each while I finished it off…yes I ate the remaining 4 pieces.
My first round consists of potato salad, COLD beef lasagna, baked potato, lamb stew, roasted chicken and some brocolli. That was just my one plate.
The second round, we had pizza, pasta, more desserts, sushi etc. We had other plates of food we shared.The amount was almost endless come to think of it.
MMmmmm thin crust pizza – crunchy and cheesey!
Eventually we slowed down a bit and started camwhoring…
Enjoying tiramisu to the fullest
Birthday girls with the sneaky culprit (will explain further down)
I have no idea what she’s trying to do. I’m just glad she wasn’t aiming for me
That particular sushi looks yummy…
When we finally decided we couldn’t eat anymore, we asked the waiter to clear the table. Little did we know, Carolyn had other plans.
Out of nowhere two waiters came out with cakes…yes one cake each. One cake in particular seemed GIGANTIC…it was one of my favourite from Secret Recipe. WHITE CHOCOLATE MACADEMIA CAKE!!!!
Making a wish so that Rob wins millions of dollars and I don’t ever need to do a thesis again.
Such a pretty looking cake right? Carolyn decorated it with fresh powers cause she thought it looked too plain being all white. I thought it was so sweet of her to do that. 😀
We were so full that we decided not to eat the cakes and took it home with us.
Just to show you how big the cake was, look at the difference of the size of the box.
Upon reaching home I had to partially empty the fridge so I could fit the cake in there. HEH
I love the flower decorations.
Anyway, the next morning I woke up, brushed my teeth and wash up like any other day. I went downstairs into the kitchen. I open the fridge, took my cake out, opened the box and this is what greeted me good morning…
Who ate my cake?!?!?!
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