The misadventures of Shin: Operation Spring

January 9, 2008

The Spring is opening tomorrow to the public. It was officially opened today by the Chief Minister. This evening the mall opened for exclusively invited guests for the opening of stores like Esprit, Roxy etc.


Sadly, I was not invited.

BUT on the way home from dinner, we saw many cars turning into the newly-built mall and decided to try our luck to look around. Upon arriving at the front door, security guards were stopping people who were walking in, asking them questions and whatnot. I suppose the “public” were not allowed in the mall. My mom, sneaky as she is, glided herself with a group who were allowed in and walked in with ease. I followed from behind but was stopped half way. Actually I could’ve kept walking in and ignored the security guard but I figured that would look like I was guilty so I stopped. The conversation followed as such

Security guard: Where are you going? (DUH)
Me: I’m going inside
SC: Do you work here?
Me: No
SC: Then I cannot allow..
Me: I’m invited by my friend from one of the stores..
SC: Which one?
Me: The one on the second floor
SC: …..
Me: Ok?
SC: Ok
Me: Thank you


I have to say I’m most proud of myself for maintaining my composure and confidence, while looking quite stern and convincing.

The mall is the biggest in town and very nicely designed. Walking in there reminded me of Mid Valley Megamall in terms of how the mall was divided into 4 sections, though it is not as big. There were quite a lot of people in there and I am most definitely sure that more than half of them were not invited guests.

Anyway, here are some pictures I took, exclusively for my readers.









I’m going over again tomorrow for its first opening day cos I am KIASU and I’m pretty sure it’ll be INSANE.

Will update if anything interesting happens.

Au revoir!

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