MFM – the verdict

July 15, 2008

As mentioned in my previous post, I was contacted by MFM’s Marketing Executive for a complimentary meal at MFM. I wasn’t expecting it either. I was impressed and surprised. I give two thumbs up to Ryan Poh, the marketing executive.

So, last Friday I went to MFM at The Spring for my complimentary meal. Needless to say the service there was hell of a lot better than the one at Boulevard. Then again, since they knew I was coming for my free meal, I’m sure they all stepped up and made sure I was impressed.

Upon reaching MFM, I saw the waiters and waitresses signalling each other. Apparently they had an idea who I was. LOL The one THING that I didn’t enjoy seeing there was the dumb supervisor from Boulevard. I have no idea why she was there. Perhaps just a coinsidence in rotation? Regardless, I ignored her.

The food was good and the service was pleasant. To be completely honest, I wasn’t that into the food because I’m getting sick of the food there. We had 3 soups, 3 mains, 1 appetizer and 3 drinks, which was exactly what Ryan offered me. I had wanted to order dessert but figured I would wait until I finish my meal.

Anyway, we had three Seafood Chowder. My dad and I had the Flaming Platter, and mom ordered some Baked Cod Fish of sorts. I ordered the highest priced appetizer which was the Sizzling Louisiana Pranws. As for drinks dad had Coke, mom ordered Hot Chocolate and yours truly ordered the most expensive drink in the menu, a smoothie of vanilla and chocolate ice cream with peanut butter. It was very rich and it ruined my diet, but I didn’t care. It was FREE! EVERYTHING was free!

The restaurant manager (whom I later found out) Ismail Izni, is also the manager for BOTH MFMs in Kuching. Apparently he was away in KL during my disastrous dinner at Boulevard. He introduced himself and gave us his card, apologising a couple times about what had happened. He was polite and nice and came by a few times to ask if everything was ok and whatnot. He offered dessert but we declined because one, we were stuffed(!) and two, it wasn’t part of the deal offered by Ryan so I didn’t want to be seen as taking advantage of the situation, although by now it is pretty obvious I did. HAHAHA

I told the manager about what had happened in case he wasn’t fully aware of the situation at Boulevard (I doubt he read my blog). I was right. I told him about the ridiculously stupid waiter who said there was no ice water. His eyes got so huge and his jaw almost hit the floor.

One thing did urk me but I decided not to make a big fuss over it. My dad asked for tomato ketchup and the waitress never brought any. *sigh* I guess that’s the standard of service MFM provides. What to do, what to do.

The total value of our meal that night was almost RM200. LOL We didn’t pay a single cent. Before we left for MFM I told my parents to order because let’s face it, it’s my perogative. 😀

So, my overall verdict is:

Food: 7/10
Service: 6/10

Will I be going back to MFM? Well, not anytime soon.

P/S: I think it’s very sad and pathetic that they were all polite and “efficient” and whatnot AFTER I bitch and complained. Goes to show how much they value their customers.

One response to “MFM – the verdict”

  1. Fionz says:

    I think they should maintain their service and the quality of the food in the first place. But AT LEAST LAH that Ryan Poh offered a complimentary meal(or should I say exclusive one) hahahahhaha. Hope they can do better next time

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