Pre-departure jitters

July 19, 2008

In less than 30 hours I will be jetting off to see Rob. I am excited about this trip but at the same time I have been stressed since the last week or so. I have not been sleeping well for the last few days and pimples are popping out everywhere on my face. I keep double-checking on the things I am bringing.

It’s also hard to pack with just one suitcase. Do I really need to bring those extra 2 tops? Or should I just bring the bare minimal and buy what I need when I get there? Should I bring a scarf with me for those cooler nights? Or is that totally unnecessary? It’s summer time for God’s sake! But Rob said some nights can be cooler so what do I do?

Grrrr I blame the American airline industry for imposing the USD25 on the second luggage that you check-in. I keep having to weigh my suitcase on my scale and it’s not the most accurate one. I worry what if my suitcase is over 50 lbs and they wanna charge me USD100 for excess baggage? So what do I do? I take out some clothes from my suitcase and shove them in my bagpack. I am also bringing my old laptop with me so nobody will feel the need to steal it. It’s so beat up! That bag is getting heavy too.

I won’t be sitting in the last row of a section in the plane. I always liked that more because I can have the backrest all the way down and not worry about making the person behind me uncomfortable. So I worry about that too, what if I can’t sleep upright for the 24 hour flight? If I’m too tired, what if by the time I get to Newark I’m so tired that I miss my flight to Chicago the next day cause I overslept?

I’m SO driving myself crazy. I’m feeling sleepy now, let’s see how long it takes for me to fall asleep tonight!

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