Nickelodeon Universe @ MOA

October 23, 2008

*This will just be more of a photo post lah. Busy with my thesis.*

As I have said a few entries ago, MOA is so big it has its own theme park. Nickelodeon Universe @ MOA is also the largest indoor theme park in the US.



It has tons of cool rides but of course, very overpriced. So what did cheapo me do? I just walked around the theme park and snapped pictures. Lol



LOVE the pink shorts Spongebob is wearing. HEH

Wishing I was a kid again so I can justify going on the pretty carousel

Dora Ferris Wheel

For as how much I love going on ferris wheels, I didn’t go on this one because I knew I would be going on the one at Navy Pier, which is like 5 times bigger! (Will blog about that soon enough, bear with me.)

This next ride looked really cool. The SpongeBob SquarePants Rock Bottom Plunge. This roller coaster does spirals and intense loops by the looks of it. I happened to caught the rollercoaster doing some rounds around the theme park.


The 90-degree turn

Spiral loop



Then from afar I saw something very familiar. A pineapple. Not just any pineapple but the pineapple from “Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?”




Stupid Kid in the way

Spongebob was having pictures taken with kids. To be honest I would have loved to get a picture with Spongebob but I know, I know. I’m too “old” for that kinda stuff. So I stalked Spongbob from afar, trying to get a good shot of him. There were lots of kids queueing up to get their pictures taken so in the end, I zoomed in and got this picture.

Still more stupid kids in the way

Spongebob staring at me with those huge eyes and long lashes. (Just ignore the kids’ arms/hands/partial body and I think it’s a pretty good shot.)

Nickelodeon Universe also has a on-site store and is the largest Nickelodeon Store in the world.


You can get just about anything Nickelodeon in this store but of course, again, it’s all overpriced to high hell.

When it gets darker outside, the theme park is lit up with colourful lights. (Pictures taken the night before I took the day pictures above.)



There are tons more rides that I probably didn’t snap pictures of because we were getting ready to leave that afternoon, so time was limited. Plus I had wanted to shop a *little* bit more before leaving the shopping heaven. LOL I’m glad I did though cause I scored a couple good bargains at Nordstrom.


P/S I get the feeling this post is so boring. Er…hopefully I’ll have more time to work on the next post.

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