Thesis woes Part 3
December 2, 2008
Need to vent out some frustrations. If I start blabbering nonsense, my defense is the “drugs” I’m on.
I received an email from my supervisor about my conclusion chapter, which he deemed “need lots more work on”. He further said;
“Don’t be too discouraged by my comments. Look on the bright side. You are getting there… :))”
The thing is, as vain as this may sound, I was (keyword:WAS) quite happy with my conclusion chapter. I even had an original diagram that I came up with that explained the whole thesis itself. I thought it was pretty good. I was proud of it. I was proud that I could come up with something like that.
Not anymore…
Discouraged is a total understatement. Lack of confidence is also another understatement.
I’m not mad at my supervisor though. He has been nice and even emailed me several journal articles. I suppose I’m mad at myself for not doing better. I know I’m being very hard on myself but it’s not like I can blame anybody else for this bump. This thesis has been many parts of sweat and tears for me in the past 3 years. I wish to get it over and done with as soon as possible. I wish to have one very good night’s sleep. I haven’t had one since returning from my trip. I miss Rob.
The meds are making me feel like crap. BLEH
Signing out now.
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