Goodbye 2008!

December 31, 2008

I woke up today, realising what date it was. Don’t get me wrong, I know its December 31st but it suddenly hit me that today is the LAST day of 2008.

Throughout the day, even when I was at church (attending a friend’s wedding), I wondered what I should be writing about and came up with nothing other than the whole too-cheesy-corny new year’s resolution list. Looking back at my resolutions for this year, I think I’ve only accomplished a few.

2008’s Resolution

1) Graduate in August, which means finishing the thesis – FAILED miserably unfortunately

2) Be a better lover (and I don’t mean sexually you perverts) – Ermmm…I don’t think I can answer that one for myself.

3) Lose weight YEAH RIGHT – who am I kidding? – Lost a little, gain back a ton while bingeing like a freak in the States and lost a little from being sick so much.

4) Be more patient but not stupidly patient – Think I’ve been more patient than I expected I can be.

5) Stand up for myself more – SUCCESS! My greatest accomplishment is of course (figuratively speaking) bitchslapping a “friend” for being a narcissistic prick early this year.

6) Maintain a good relationship with the parents – Think I’ve been able to do that (minus the stupid little arguments but still I think I did good) so SUCCESSS!

7) Erase selfish inconsiderate people from my life – SUCCESS! Life is so much peaceful now.

8) Watch less nonsense tv, read more – 50/50. FAILED. We all know I can never stop watching Spongebob Square Pants. SUCCESS because I honestly have been reading more than I used to. Now, whether I’ve read more than I watched nonsense TV, that’s another issue that I shall refrain from discussing because you all know the answer. HEH

9) Own new gadgets – better digital camera and mp3 player – FAILED because I couldn’t make up my mind and wanted to save more money. Now my camera is going a little cuckoo on me.

10) Appreciate the simple things in life more – SUCCESS. And yes honey, I appreciate my stationary stash as well as the box of color pencils you bought me.

All in all, I guess I can say 2008 has been a year of challenges for me and in its own right has made me a stronger person. The best moments of 2008 was definitely spending 5 weeks with Rob, and enjoying life together.

I better sign off now. Rob will be coming online soon and I have a wedding reception to attend later on.

Lastly, stay safe and have Happy New Year guys!

2 responses to “Goodbye 2008!”

  1. sabahking says:

    then u satisfy what u do in 2008? What is ur resolution for year 2009?

  2. Shin says:

    I won’t say I’m satisfied with what I did in 2008, considering the things that happened. However I am content with what I have. 🙂

    Haven’t made any resolutions for 09 yet.

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