Valentine’s Day 2009: The Bottomless Pit

March 15, 2009

This year for Valentine’s Day Rob did something totally different compared to the usual bouquet of roses. This year I received what I lovingly call “The Bottomless Pit”.

The package arrived late, a couple days after V-day even though Rob had paid for it to arrive on time. Typical Malaysian postal service. Pftttt

One thing I was glad for was that I didn’t get hosed by Customs Department when I picked up the package. They gave me the package and I swiftly walked away from the counter.


Anyway I had an idea of what was going to be in the package but I was never prepared for what I saw. The reason I call it a bottomless pit is because as I unpacked the package, there were layers and layers of stuff in there. It was like it didn’t end. I swear it took me almost 15 minutes to unpack the whole thing. The package consisted of a variety of stuff like…

Scrunchies, candy…

Almond M&Ms, strawberry shower gel and body lotion

More candy, stationary, breadsticks, stickers

ANOTHER layer of candy (!)

More candy..

Candy and nail stickers..


And the last layer is one of the things I missed most from Chicago; breadsticks from a restaurant called Artemis. They are THE BOMB!

I remember from my first trip over that the breadsticks were really good. So this last time I visited Rob I knew I wanted to go back to Artemis and be a glutton. Since the breadsticks were free (they come in a little basket on each table) I was determined to eat as much as I can. We went with Rob’s parents too and as dinner was coming to an end, I took a couple packs of breadsticks and put them in my purse.

Then Rob’s mom surprised me. She grabbed a whole handful of breadsticks and started shoving them in my purse. She didn’t just do it once or twice, she grabbed EVERYTHING in the basket. Thinking about it now makes me laugh because I really didn’t think she was the type to do that. The type I mean is the cheapo like me that feels that free stuff is ALWAYS a good thing. What can I say? I embrace my inner Cina. 😛


And this is how everything looks like on my bed…


As you can already tell I’m easily pleased with simple things like candy, breadsticks and stationary. Hehe

Hope you guys had a wonderful V-day. =D

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