Millenium Park & Buckingham Fountain
May 17, 2009
The last time I was at Millenium Park was 3 years ago during winter and it was dark at like 5pm. This time I got to see a different light (pun intended) of the park. At this point I suggest you go pee if you need to because the pictures will take time to load. 😛
People sitting on the lawn while listening to an orchestra playing.
I for one am not that interested in that kinda music so we continued walking across the park to Buckingham Fountain. It’s a few blocks away from Millenium Park. I had wanted to see it during my last visit but since it was winter, they shut it down. I wasn’t going to miss it this time because the pictures from the website I saw it at was so pretty!
It wasn’t just pretty, it was HUGE!
We decided to stay until dark to watch the light show. We parked out butts on a very strategic bench right in front of the fountain. We needed the rest cause our feet were aching like hell. It was nice to sit and watch people through sunset.
After trekking the whole day from the station to Lincoln Park Zoo to Millenium Park to Buckingham Fountain, I got myself a leg massage in front of the fountain.
Some pictures as it was getting dark…
It was so windy out that night that water was spraying at us and water got on the camera lense. %#!%!!
One last picture of the skyline before leaving
After that, we stopped by TGIF for dinner.
Rob and his “Freshly Baked” shirt. He’s so my stud!
Always my favourite – thirst quenching Pink Lemonade
Rob’s typical cheeseburger and fries
Mmmm look at that melted cheese
My sizzling chicken and shrimp
Geez all this food talk is making me hungry. Think I’ll go eat an apple or something. 😛
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