Meet the pack

May 20, 2009

Note: I’m slowly trying to get my blogging mojo back, so please excuse the lack of words.

One of the things I miss about my trip are the NISA dogs.

Rob’s mom is the founder of NISA (Northern Illinois Samoyed Assistance). What NISA basically does is rescue Samoyeds that are either abandoned, from abusive homes, or puppy mills etc. You get the point. Most of the NISA dogs are temporarily fostered at various homes by members and volunteers until they are adopted to a permanent home.

Princess Naomi, her royal huffness

Taking pictures of Naomi is easy because she’s a camwhore and it does help that she is always following me around. Rob’s mom calls me Naomi’s “human”, as opposed to Naomi being my “dog”. Naomi apparently took a liking to me the first time she saw me in 2006. When I went back last year it took her a few minutes to kinda recall who I was. There was that sparkle in her eyes when she realized who I was, at least that’s what Rob said.

Anyway during this last trip I started calling Naomi “Princess”. She likes to huff, hence I came up with the name Princess Naomi, her royal huffness. I was very tempted to get her a plastic tiara and take a picture of her but Rob said the dogs may end up chewing on it, which would be bad for them.


I find Naomi a very sweet dog. She’s very particular about getting my attention. If I start petting Nikki (another female dog) she gets jealous and starts barking at me, as if to say “HEY!!! YOU’RE MY HUMAN!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH HER??!!!” Then I would move my other hand to pet her and she’s satisfied. However, when I give attention to Pete she doesn’t seem to care at all.

Occasionally her and I would go into huff mode. I would say “huff” and she would huff back. Repeat the process for about 5 minutes or so. I have gotten her to huff so much now that she constantly does it to Rob. The reason why she does it so much now is because when I was there, every time we go into huff mode, she gets a really good treat from me.

Naomi was rescued from a puppy mill. She has been living it good ever since.

Pete the singer

Pete is Naomi’s brother, also rescued from the same puppy mill. Unfortunately when Pete was adopted years ago, he was abused by the family. He gets nervous around new people. During my first trip over, he wasn’t as clingy to me. He would usually just watch Naomi getting my attention.

This time around he really let loose and followed me around a bit more. Pete knows how to sing, thanks to Rob. Not the conventional “singing” but in doggy terms, he sings. Every time he sang, he got a “Good boy Pete!” from me and then a treat, which explains why he goes around the house “singing” all the time now. He loves being praised.

Spirit the English gentleman

When I give out treats, Spirit is always sitting behind the rest of the dogs waiting patiently for his turn. He doesn’t push and shove to get to the front for his treats. He just waits quietly. Hence why he is called the perfect English gentleman.

Spirit is also always playing with his sister Nikki and it is hilarious watching the both of them go at it in the backyard. They chase and pounce of each other like there is no tomorrow.

Spirit is young and active but at the same loves snuggling up to whoever is on the couch. I love that he rests his head on my thigh when I’m on the couch and I can pet him while he wags his tail.

Nikki Wigglesworth

Rob came up with the last name Wigglesworth because Nikki is a hyper dog. She wags her tail like crazy and it just wiggles her butt like crazy. She and Spirit are always poking people with their cold noses and every time it happens, I just can’t help going “Oooh. Cold wet nose!”

Nikki has a favourite red ball that’s constantly in her mouth. The funny thing is she can go “Wooo wooo wooo” with the ball in her mouth. I know it’s hard to believe but it is true. I just don’t have a video to prove it.

Schizo Radar

Radar is somewhat anti-social with humans because he was from an abusive household. I guess he doesn’t trust humans much. He’s skittish most of the time and its ironic because he is the biggest dog in the house.

I did get a chance to pet him but I thought it was kinda cruel (but funny) how it was staged. Radar is always sitting and laying down next to Rob’s mom at the dining table in the corner of the room. One day Rob’s mom got up from the chair and I sat on it. The look of horror on Radar’s face was funny but at the same time it made me feel kinda bad. I petted him and he still looked terrified.

He has followed me around once or twice and most of the time I didn’t know he was. One time a wet nose poked me from behind, I turned around thinking it was Nikki but it was Radar. He was curious! Anyway, when I turned around and he saw me looking at him, he sprinted to his corner and hid.

Glutton Lexy

Lexy is always craving for attention which at times drive some of us nuts. But I think she is a sweet dog too. It’s just that she doesn’t understand when to “stop”. I heard she is bad influence for the other dogs. I didn’t get to bond with her much though so I don’t really have much to write about her.

Last but certainly not least, the apple of Rob’s eyes, his cat Baby Kitty.

Yes, I know. She’s fat pleasantly plump. I like calling her the tuxedo cat because of the white fur down her chest. I told Rob that his cat would scare all the scrawny stray cats in Kuching away and claim Kuching her territory. The thing is, according to Rob, there are cats there BIGGER than Baby kitty.


Short and stumpy (Heh)

Rob rescued Baby as a kitten, abandoned near an apartment complex. One day he took her home and she’s been a brat ever since. She’s spoilt rotten, that’s why. Her dish bowl is almost NEVER empty. She sometimes drinks from Rob’s cup because she prefers the FRESHEST water available. Oh she also loves boxes.


I cannot deny that Baby kitty is a friendly cat. She’s a happy cat, purrrrrrrrrrs like crazy when given attention, especially from Rob. She is afterall living a great life.

I have more pictures of Naomi and Pete because they tend to follow me around the house when I go over. Rob calls them the “two seniors” so they are allowed to go in his room. That’s where all the treats are. Pete and Naomi know that too.

Some pictures of the dogs playing in the backyard.



Spirit and Nikki

Nikki with her favourite red ball


Nikki and Naomi

Pete sunbathing on the deck

Radar and Spirit

Naomi and Radar

Pete eating whipped cream straight from the can

Happen to catch Princess Naomi during her royal squat

Pete, Naomi, Spirit and Nikki hovering… waiting for treats

Pete and Naomi waiting for a treat from Rob

Pete and Naomi still waiting for a treat from Rob

They’re still STILL waiting

This is probably my favourite picture of Naomi

Similar picture of Pete

Spirit, again the gentleman look

Nikki saying “HI!!!”

Pete and Naomi posing

Pete and Naomi again

Le sigh~~ I miss the pack.

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