Lake Michigan

June 12, 2009

One summer day Rob and I decided to go sightseeing around Chicago. I had wanted to see Lake Michigan during the summer time since the last time I was there, it was DEAD cold and windy. This time it wasn’t dead cold…it was just windy. Guess it’s called the Windy City for a reason.

It was such a good day to sightsee, the sky was blue and the sun was bright. Very purty! 😀

That’s the dog beach


I enjoyed watching the dogs play, chasing each other and dipping in the water. How nice would it be if we had a dog beach. I know Leo would love it. Speaking of that dog, he was doing the pity face by the door and wouldn’t give up (even though I tried really hard to ignore him) until I gave him a treat. Crap! That dog knows my weak side too well.



Told you it was windy…

More vainity

It was really sunny, which explains Rob’s squint but he’s still CUTE ;;)



Lurking from the wall at the bathroom area





After the lake, we decided to drive downtown for some sightseeing. Actually it was just me wanting to take pictures of the skyline.

This church looks so much different than the last time I saw it.

The wiener car. Rob did explain what it’s about but I don’t remember. :blush:

As we approached the city, there was a standstill. It was a weekend so there was no reason for the traffic jam. Rob thought that it was because of a baseball game.



It wasn’t a baseball game. In fact, very far from it. As Rob was maneuvering to avoid the congestion, we somehow ended in unfamiliar territory. We reached GAY TERRITORY.


The first indication that it was gay territory was when I saw two guys holding hands, literally skipping down the street like two little girls. They looked so gay happy!

See? So cuddly!

We had the windows down so I didn’t want to offend anyone by going crazy snapping pictures of gay guys with their Asian looking baby or guys kissing each other by the roadside. The BEST thing I saw was a waiter, in a tuxedo costume (and believe me it WAS a costume) above the waist and black tights. Let me explain why I said “above the waist”. As Rob drove by, this waiter, with a menu in his hand, turned and I saw his bare ASS. His black tights was bare at the back. My jaw dropped.  :-O 

I’m sure you realized by now that we were both in shock. The first thing outta my mouth was “HONEY LOOK!!!! HIS TIGHTS!! I SEE ASS!!!” Before Rob could say anything back, I said “OH MY GOD! LOOK AT HIS ASS!!!! HE’S GOT A NICER LOOKING ASS THAN I DO!!” Rob responded by saying “Honey I don’t want to look at his ass!!!!”

Then I go “BUT HIS ASS IS SO PERKY AND SMOOTH LOOKING AND WHITE”. Rob cringed and said “NO NO NO OH NO I DON’T want to hear about another guy’s ass.”  =)) It’s not like he’s some homophobe or anything but I think any straight guy would feel very uncomfortable to be in that situation. LOL Sad to say I didn’t manage to snap a picture. The last thing we needed was a bunch of gay guys wanting to beat us up. =))

Trying to recover from it, Rob kept driving and we reached an alley. Guessing there was a back way out of that alley, he turned in. Then I saw two guys, standing next to each other, back facing us, towards a wall of sorts. Suddenly I understood the visual and realized that these two guys were peeing behind the wall.  :))   Along the way I saw many more gay men and rainbow hats/ballons/costumes.

Anyway, turns out roads were closed for the Northalsted Market Days. Obviously the rainbow flag meant it was some gay festival celebration.


Now I have nothing against gay people nor am I so “sua ku” to have not seen gay guys before. I was just caught off guard and was ecstatic with what I saw. It definitely was a culture shock for me. Thinking back, I was definitely really “into” the whole scene. No, I don’t mean I’m into gays ok. I love my man!

Eventually Rob managed to get out of Gaysville and drove around a bit more before heading back for dinner.


If this looks familiar to you, you may have seen it in the Dark Knight movie which was mainly filmed in downtown Chicago.





Okay, that’s all I’ve got to say for now. I’m still thinking about that gay guy’s perky butt and wishing I had a nice butt like his. Rob is probably cringing again now reading this. HEH HEH HEH HEH

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