
July 9, 2009

Many random things today, all jumbled inside my head.

Apparently now Barn Buddy limits the amount of weeds and bugs you can place per stage per plant, which is ONCE. I started losing interest in playing when I found that out yesterday. ~le sigh~

Personally I thought weed-ing and bug-ing people was the fun part of the game. I find the sight of another’s farm covered with bugs and weeds hilarious, to be completely honest. 😀 Since Rob has spent a few bucks on this game I’m going to play until my BB credits run out and then I will stop. Like I said, it isn’t as fun anymore.

It’s their way of stopping people from going crazy bug-ing and weed-ing in order to acquire experience points and move up a level. Ummmm hello? What’s wrong with that? Isn’t that the whole point of the game? To move forward a level? It’s not like it’s cheating. I mean people really put in some effort to weed and bug people. I know Rob and I certainly do! We giggle like crazy every time we do it to each other.

I had a dream a couple nights ago about my wedding! I woke up half way and thought “I have to go back to sleep! I need to dream more about it!” but unfortunately I didn’t get to continue my dream.   :(   I almost forgot I had that dream until I suddenly remembered it later that day. I can’t remember the details now though, but I bet there was a lot of pink involved. Hehehe

Went to the Hilton for its 21st Anniversary BBQ buffet lunch by the poolside over the weekend and it wasn’t that good at all. People do get very rude when they are hungry. Because there were so many people, there wasn’t enough food for everyone so many of us had to wait in the buffet line for quite a while. There was a rude lady behind me who kept sighing really hard and mumbling complaints. I don’t care that she complained so much, I just didn’t appreciate having her breath on the back of my neck. Lady, do you know what personal space is???

The worst part was she left the line and came back about 10 minutes later and cut into the line again. She told the people behind me (who weren’t there when she left) that she was behind me before and cut in! I was tempted to say something but decided not to because knowing my luck she could be the person interviewing me for a job.

Speaking of rude people cutting into lines, when I was shopping at Watson’s the other day this girl decided to cut right in front of me at the cashier, apparently thinking that her conditioner was more important than everyone else’s purchase. The guy at the cashier looked at me and then her, and this girl just pushed her conditioner on the counter insinuating that he should check her out. Cashier guy looked at me as if wanting me to agree to it so I got very annoyed. I said “Everyone here is queueing up, isn’t that how it’s suppose to be?”. People looked over and girl became very self-conscious and said “Oh sorry sorry”. I said “No problem” and smiled, thinking in my head what a bitch she is. :P  Now, is it just me or is a cashier suppose to say something when people cut in a queue? 8-|

Went to Guardian a few nights ago and again I was faced with a rude bitch. I paid up and this cashier girl gave me a change of RM1.35 or something. My point is there was a RM1 note given to me and it was torn. I was surprised so in reaction I just said “Eh ini koyak lah” (This is torn) to the cashier and placed the RM1 note on the counter. Her facial expression turned more bitter and black than burnt toast (She already looked unfriendly in the first place). She then placed my bag of things on the counter rather hard and I judge this by the clank I heard. There was glass bottled deodrant in the bag by the way.

She didn’t say anything to me and continued checking out the next person. I thought fine I’ll let her finish and waited. This next person paid with a credit card so while waiting for the transaction to clear, this cashier just stood there and waited, instead of giving me another RM1 note. When she was finally done with that customer, she in all her glory pushed a few buttons on the cash register, rather “enthusiastically” I might say, as to show dissatisfaction.

Her colleague walked over enquiring what she was doing and at that moment she took another RM1 note from the cash register, gave it to her colleague and said “Nah bagi ngan nya” (There, give it to her). I was f*cking standing right in front of her. What? She thinks she’s too good to even hand me a RM1 note? If she thinks she’s too good for the job then quit! Go be a brain surgeon then or go save the thinning ozone layer or cure cancer then no one will bug her about a torn RM1 note. ^$%!%!#!#@# BITCH was so testing my patience. At one point I was tempted to throw the RM 1 in her face and tell her to f*ck off but didn’t. I know manners very well, thank you. I took my money, looked at her colleague who I think was a supervisor because  the difference in uniform and said “She is VERY rude”.  With a name like “Siti Shirley” (or as Rob said “Shitty Shirley =)) ) someone should really teach her some manners and common courtesy. BITCH.

I don’t know what is with me and meeting the series of rude people in the past week. Hoping for a better week ahead!

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