Miniature Golf

July 14, 2009

On my last day in Chicago, Rob and I went miniature golfing.


It was an indoor glow-in-the-dark (GITD) miniature golf place and we had so much fun. It was a good distraction for us. Rather than pouting and tearing up at the thought of me leaving, we goofed off and laughed like crazy.


It was my first time playing miniature golf, or any other type of golf for that matter. The place was super cool and I’ve never been in  room with so many black lights. I was secretly glad that I wasn’t wearing a white bra underneath my black shirt that day. Hehehe 




If memory serves me correctly it was a 18-hole course and we were given GITD putters and golf balls. I, of course insisted on the pink ball and putter. I mean it’s not like Rob would prefer the pink over the orange one. 😛

After scouting around a bit, we got a *bit* goofy.


This is Rob showing his GITD balls, every pun intended.


And then, here’s me (because I have no balls) with my GITD nipples…


Camwhoring begins..







So happy! 😡


And then we played…


I sucked at miniature golf so I’m pretty sure I will suck more at actual golf. I kept missing the ball when I try to hit it and Rob would laugh at me. When I finally got the hang of hitting the ball, I had to learn how to aim it. The goal is to hit the ball into the hole with the least number of tries. At one hole, it took me about 15 hits just to get it in. Yes, Rob was laughing hysterically. As revenge I would use my putter and block his shots when it was his turn.


We were the only two people playing at the time so when we reached hole number 15, I took the balls and went back to number 5. I know we weren’t suppose to but no one else was there so I’m sure nobody would mind. 😛


Rob showing off his skills

The monkey with the monkeys :(|)

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